Incident Data

ID/Link Date of incident What happened? Location Type Situation
655 Car drove through a red light, travelling from Cable st to Oriental Parade. in front of cyclists crossing on a green light -41.29241965378, 174.78544937593 Bicycle Road user turns across cyclist’s path
654 Car passed only a hands width from my cycle -41.307774191439, 174.77800044352 Bicycle Problematic pass (usually too close)
653 Threading south up Adelaide road just past hall street large vehicle pushed me sideways into side of parked vehicle passing too close trying to fit because of oncoming traffic. -41.315169619411, 174.78275636037 Bicycle Problematic pass (usually too close)
652 While riding southbound on the Hutt Road shared path, a southbound delivery van pulled across the shared path into a business, cutting off several cyclists. The driver seemed completly unaware of the cyclists they had just passed prior to pulling in. -41.267523489802, 174.78150463157 Bicycle Vehicle pulls out or across cyclist
651 On Thorndon Quay near Zip Plumbing Plus, a northbound trade ute pulled across the southbound side of the road, cutting off two cyclists. The other cyclist managed to go around the rear of the ute. I only avoided the ute by turning left into Zip's driveway. The ute drive abused me after I rode round the front of their vehicle.

This section is yet to have the cycling infrastructure installed.
-41.270923713937, 174.78189505 Bicycle Vehicle pulls out or across cyclist
650 Two cars pulled out in front of me and another cyclist into the Victoria Street cycle lane without indicating. Plus that whole stretch was blocked by cars in the cycle lane. -41.295342613949, 174.77230535 Bicycle Vehicle pulls out or across cyclist
649 I was driving south on Rintoul St and was struck by a car turning right into Te Wharepōuri St. -41.31880789153, 174.7779581905 Bicycle Road user turns across cyclist’s path
648 I was turning right from Ohiro rd to Tanera Cresc at the top of Brooklyn rd cycleway. I was at a giveway, I stopped, looked carefully for cars up Tanera and coming along Ohiro, there were none so I starting making my way across to Tanera, halfway across a driver in a car coming down Tanera cresc who didn't stop at the stop sign almost hit
-41.303591714271, 174.76366192404 Bicycle Person drove (or cycled) at cyclist head on
647 This morning while riding my ebike with my two children (aged 9 and 6), I once again had a car accelerate aggressively and go completely on the other side of the road to overtake on Russell Terrace, as they drive to the top of the hill and over the blind summit on the junction with Herald St. It would only take a car driving south and it would either be a terrible head-on crash OR, as I suspect, the overtaking car would veer left to take out me and my kids riding on my bike.
I know it's a narrow road, but this is a pretty regular occurrence and it would be a terrible accident if/when someone is coming the other way.
Any advice on how to highlight this issue and has anyone else had the same happen to them?
Oh and after the car passed me and returned the left lane (well over the hill), they put on their hazards to signify their apparent annoyance at me for.... riding a bike? When we stopped at the lights in Newtown, I pulled up next to their window to explain how dangerous it was to overtake on a blind summit (calmly as had my kids with me!). They refused to look at me and instead took out their phone to attempt to take a photo of me and my two children. Eugh.
-41.321328640515, 174.78041099789 Bicycle Problematic pass (usually too close)
646 On 29th January, about 5pm, a car driver cut the corner descending on Ohiro Road, just before the turnoff to Brooklyn Road, forcing me over the curb and off my ebike, resulting in severe bruising on my upper right thigh (where the bike frame fell on my leg) and the loss of a hunk of skin from my right elbow.

The driver had passed me a few seconds before, and did not stop after the incident. He had clearly seen me when he drew up alongside me, but appeared unaware of what he did to me. Three drivers waiting on the uphill side of Ohiro Road left their cars to ask me if I was ok, stating that they had seen the whole incident. Unfortunately, I didnt ask them for their details, or whether they had noted the license number of the car. I returned home and was driven to the after hours surgery.

My bruise is slowly subsiding, and my elbow is regrowing the skin, with regular changes of bandages.

This is a dangerous corner. A pedestrian island has been provided. Descending vehicles are often travelling too fast and will cut the corner to avoid going on the other side of Ohiro road and hitting upcoming traffic.

I propose that Council make a safety review of the Brooklyn/Ohiro Raod corner, and consider placing a sign just below the crest of ohiro road on the western side with wording something along the lines - “Slow down, watch for cyclists”. The 30km/hr speed limit close to Brooklyn shops should also be extended until after Brooklyn road is reached.

I possibly could have avoided the accident by giving appropriate hand signals and taking the lane for that section of Ohiro road prior to the corner, or slowing right down to let the car get ahead of me when it drew up alongside me. However, this is in hindsight, and there may be some other measures such as I suggested above that will help avoid future accidents.

Thus I am requesting that a safety review be carried out of the Ohiro/Brooklyn road intersection.
I am also submitting a road watch report with police
-41.302797794267, 174.7641661914 Bicycle Road user turns across cyclist’s path
645 A car parked outside the dairy blocking the lane to cars and bikes. There used to be a park here so it's understandable. However, it's clearly marked with yellow lines now. This was clearly causing some frustration for drivers and was causing traffic to back up unnecessarily. -41.278996124959, 174.76897734454 Bicycle Cyclist's way blocked (by other road users, road conditions, etc.)
644 I was behind a car at the stop sign on The Rigi waiting to turn left onto Glenmore. The car ahead of me pulled right into the path of an oncoming cyclist forcing the cyclist onto the other side of the road. Fortunately there was no cars coming up Glenmore at the time. -41.285648688313, 174.75866814384 Bicycle Road user turns across cyclist’s path
643 I took the road around a bus at a bus stop. A black station wagon decided that this was the ideal place to over take me despite the island in the flush median ahead. Caught between the island and me, the driver decided that the cyclist was the softer target and overtook within about 30cm. -41.284076936118, 174.73965605979 Bicycle Problematic pass (usually too close)
642 I was cycling behind another cyclist down Chaytor. A car pulled out from Curtis Street into slow moving traffic, almost taking out the other cyclist. I had plenty of time to pull to a halt, but had to wait while they moved out of the bus lane. -41.284584300359, 174.75356926481 Bicycle Vehicle pulls out or across cyclist
641 I was cycling up Karori Road from Marsden Village and moved to take the road around the raised entrance to the pedestrian crossing. As I moved out, a driver decided that this was the perfect spot for a close over take - within about 40cm. Rather intimidating. -41.282833946358, 174.74424236242 Bicycle Problematic pass (usually too close)
640 Car coming along Dunbar St towards 1-way South, did not stop at Giveway before cycle lane, and appeared unaware of both Giveway and of cycle lane. I had slowed down as the car appeared to be travelling faster than expected coming up to a Giveway, so was able to emergency stop and avoid impact.
Intersection design with minimal road markings is dangerous.
-45.876470666473, 170.50629115026 Bicycle Vehicle pulls out or across cyclist
639 Vehicle makes move across one way along police street during busy traffic, cannot see bike lane traffic and speeds across one way. Nearly caused serious crash -45.881163080418, 170.5014126975 Bicycle Vehicle pulls out or across cyclist
638 Car drove across cycle lane to park at shops without checking mirrors, nearly caused a crash with cyclist. -45.880739733669, 170.50157586096 Bicycle Road user turns across cyclist’s path
637 Vehicle turned off the one way on to water street, driving across bike lane while I was ahead of them. They hit my bike with their car and continued driving. -45.878899204419, 170.50265812663 Bicycle Road user turns across cyclist’s path
636 I was biking West along Karori Road, shortly after the shops. I had taken the road to get around a couple of parked cars. I was over taken safely by one car, then PTD944 completed an unsafe overtaking manouver. Their wing mirror passed within about 20cm of me. Had I swerved slightly, I would have been hit. A van then passed me giving heaps of space.

I was well lit with 2 rear lights and three front lights and was wearing a day-glow jacket. As such there is no way that they could not have seen me. This was either lack of awareness of road spacing or a punishment pass for being "on their road"
-41.285081634008, 174.73648296356 Bicycle Problematic pass (usually too close)
635 Riding down great north road in the evening with lights and a fluro backpack cover, a car pulled out from the McDonalds and I had to swerve to avoid. Once the driver was on the other side of the road, I realised someone was turning right but had turned too early so was going diagnolly in the wrong direction across my entry path - two near misses in the space of 20 seconds. Very stressful! -36.868805778135, 174.7144943743 Bicycle Vehicle pulls out or across cyclist
634 Cycling to work southbound along SH2 under the Petone overpass. Large logging truck overtook me and then trailer drifted over verge, forcing me into wall to avoid being run over. Truck driver unaware and failed to stop. -41.223809791604, 174.85941278419 Bicycle Problematic pass (usually too close)
633 Car turned across my path without indicating, forcing me to take evasive action braking hard to avoid collision -36.978716588004, 174.84929285866 Bicycle Road user turns across cyclist’s path
632 Contractor truck passed so close his wing mirror contacted my helmet -36.868203394697, 174.80577844051 Bicycle Problematic pass (usually too close)
631 As I was cycling around the Ngaio Roundabout a driver entered the roundabout without looking and hit me side on, knocking me off my bike. Apart from loosing some skin, I was not hurt. I reported the incident to the police. -41.250429949961, 174.77311820355 Bicycle Other (please add information in the textarea below)
630 Two drivers failed to give way at the Chaytor Raroa intersection - -41.284800997478, 174.75422272151 Bicycle Road user turns across cyclist’s path
629 Mulitple occasions where cars using the slip lane to Blenheim Rd cut off cyclists going straight through across to Tower Junction -43.536629536896, 172.60709759716 Bicycle Vehicle pulls out or across cyclist
628 Vehicle did not give way at the crossing, appeared to slow down at first but they didn't see me and were slowing down for the raised crossing -36.872397360618, 174.71003490281 Bicycle Other (please add information in the textarea below)
627 while cycling Northbound, a driver pulled out of the Caltex across the cycleway without looking and blocked the cycleway.

the poor visibility caused by the high Placemakers fences and the coffee cart made it happen very suddenly.
-41.255366444479, 174.79753111513 Bicycle Vehicle pulls out or across cyclist
626 Walking east through the Mt Vic tunnel when a Bicycle collided with me from behind. His handlebar bonked into my wrist. -41.304017967897, 174.7909843252 Pedestrian
625 While cycling at the speed limit In the bus lane, a Mercedes driver floored their loud modified car past my elbow between lanes, before cutting back into traffic ahead. -41.296050539786, 174.78245458683 Bicycle Problematic pass (usually too close)
624 Was cycling southbound up the first hill on Tasman Street, slowly but had lights on, not doing anything erratic. Close passed and honked at by an honked at by an aggressive driver. -41.302304748311, 174.77728818724 Bicycle Problematic pass (usually too close)
623 Bike fishtailed on corner of this path I and fell (with no braking or sudden turning). There's a damp and slippery patch on a dip in the path with some mud/silt. Best to slow right down on this corner. -41.199673338504, 174.91617933376 Bicycle Other (please add information in the textarea below)
622 Close pass on the double yellow lines at the entrance to the tunnel -41.287269738128, 174.75503448143 Bicycle Problematic pass (usually too close)
621 Cyclist misjudged the kerb ramp by the Petone roundabout, heading east from Petone Esplande. Lost control, fell off, concussed and grazes. Treated at Wellington ED.
I met Hutt council staff to review the location and suggest mitigation.
-41.224790061445, 174.86113094383 Bicycle Other (please add information in the textarea below)
620 I took off at the intersection by the hospital going south. I was in the new cycle path and took off when the light went green, at the same time as the #23 bus. Usually a merge is quite smooth with cars but because a bus is so much longer and the bike in front of me was slow I got caught behind the cyclist and between the bus and the parked cars in front of Newtown school. I tried to keep riding to get infront of the bus but I don't think he saw me, and perhaps was focusing on the slightly wobbly and slow cyclist in front of me. I stopped cycling because I was being squeezed so much that I could feel the parked car against my left leg and the moving bus sliding past my right leg. It was incredibly scary! the pedestrian who was waiting at the lights in front of Cafe Laz also acknowledged the situation.

I would recommend 2 controls to mitigate this issue:

1. Install a bike light at the traffic light to allow cyclists a head start. Because the bike lane turns into a car park space, cyclists have no where to go when the light is green.
2. Remove the car parks in front of Newtown school to extend the bike lane so merging is not required
-41.311650067864, 174.7793151625 Bicycle Problematic pass (usually too close)
619 Aged person walked straight into glass-walled bus stop, which has no edge warning tape and sticks out into the footpath. Ideally this could have some visible marking on the glass to reduce other sight-impaired or distracted pedestrians colliding with it. -41.293455010271, 174.77643634416 Pedestrian
618 A driver swore at me, did a 180, then chased me southbound down the cycleway on Grove Road before turning eastbound onto Poulson Street. CEB692 - 1992 Toyota Lucidia. -43.554163222222, 172.61847444444 Bicycle Other (please add information in the textarea below)
617 Car tried to pass at entrance to the tunnel - because of incoming traffic car moved back into my path before all the way past me. Had to brake heavily to avoid collision. -41.287296997378, 174.75503766972 Bicycle Problematic pass (usually too close)
616 Cycling to work southbound along SH2 under the Petone overpass. Large goods truck overtook me and then trailer drifted over verge, forcing me into wall to avoid being run over. Truck driver unaware and failed to stop. -41.22379297534, 174.85923729828 Bicycle Problematic pass (usually too close)
615 Taxi pulled out of car park without looking - had to swerve and brake heavily to avoid collision -41.276858524709, 174.77474120165 Bicycle Vehicle pulls out or across cyclist
614 Close aggressive pass, where the ute had to swerve back in front to avoid a traffic island -41.276846219639, 174.77286978621 Bicycle Problematic pass (usually too close)
613 Car to my right pulled suddenly left without looking & almost hitting me. Claimed he didn't see me (not sure how that would have been possible if he'd just looked). -41.279298142653, 174.77556040685 Bicycle Road user turns across cyclist’s path
612 Cycling to work southbound along SH2 under the Petone overpass. Large logging truck overtook me and then trailer drifted over verge, forcing me into wall to avoid being run over. Truck driver unaware and failed to stop. -41.223819692937, 174.85947582696 Bicycle Problematic pass (usually too close)
611 Car reversed into me after passing, in order to avoid oncoming traffic. Road narrow due to presence of parked vehicles. Oncoming van should have given way but didn't. Oncoming van continued on with their day. Despite me having to jump off my bike and bike lying on Road behind car. -41.305854796246, 174.75931339431 Bicycle Other (please add information in the textarea below)
610 Cycling to work, and was dangerously close overtaken by a white Mitsubishi Fuso truck (rego LLY112), with McLatchie & Sharp drainage and civil contractors signwitten on front. Driver drifted in and out of the cycle lane, very distracted.
I have cycle safety cameras, and in the camera the driver is very clearly visible talking on a cellphone in his right hand while driving.
I have saved the footage, available for the police if evidence is needed.
This is very dangerous behaviour, I or another cyclist could have been killed this morning by this supposedly professional driver.
-41.224004558031, 174.85863207509 Bicycle Problematic pass (usually too close)
609 Car pulled out of car park into path without looking. Near miss, had to brake very heavily to avoid collision. -41.284498224908, 174.77630124483 Bicycle Vehicle pulls out or across cyclist
608 Car pulled out of Raroa Cres directly into my path. -41.284707773096, 174.75414799777 Bicycle Vehicle pulls out or across cyclist
607 Close pass at speed in heavy rain with on coming traffic, then car braked heavily right in front of me for the upcoming pedestrian crossing. -41.280816522553, 174.76660559466 Bicycle Problematic pass (usually too close)
606 Car pulled out of Raroa Cres in front of me - had to brake to avoid collision. -41.285710579224, 174.75475708309 Bicycle Vehicle pulls out or across cyclist
605 Close pass on blind corner into tunnel - had to brake to avoid collision. -41.287251909778, 174.75505835598 Bicycle Problematic pass (usually too close)
604 1 Car pulls out of driveway without looking for cyclists, having to swerve to avoid collision.
2nd car subsequently opens car door without checking for traffic.
All within 50m section of road.
-41.2865, 174.7762 Bicycle Vehicle pulls out or across cyclist
603 White SUV swerving in and out and traffic without indicating or checking for traffic whilst ? trying to find parking.
Needed to swerve into centre of road to avoid collision.
-36.847820689477, 174.8376786189 Bicycle Other (please add information in the textarea below)
602 Truck running red lights into path of crossing pedestrians and bike crossing -36.847677983328, 174.78770058935 Bicycle Road user turns across cyclist’s path
601 Car pulling out of downtown ferry terminal not checking for cyclists as they cross into dedicated bike paths.
I had to emergency brake to avoid collision.
-36.843435899458, 174.76775308999 Bicycle Vehicle pulls out or across cyclist
600 Close pass coming into the Karori tunnel - had to break heavily to avoid being clipped -41.284749033232, 174.75527532623 Bicycle Problematic pass (usually too close)
599 Light turned green while filtering past traffic on the right in the cycle lane to turn left. Car pulled out as I turned in front of them and nearly hit me -41.279508240397, 174.77925815618 Bicycle Vehicle pulls out or across cyclist
598 Driver accelerated up behind me and beeped horn several times, even though there was not enough space to pass safely. When I had space to move over, the lovely motorist yelled "you're not allowed to block the lane" as if he was one of my parents or some sort of school teacher. Hope he had a lovely day.

I was riding north on a foggy morning
-41.300113860821, 174.77788388311 Bicycle Tailgates cyclist without passing
597 driver in a ute pulled out of placemakers and had to slam on the brakes to leave enough room for me to safely go around. -41.25568970889, 174.7967229123 Bicycle Vehicle pulls out or across cyclist
596 I was heading on the downhill stretch of Crawford road after exiting the roundabout, and i could hear a car accelerating behind me, even though it was not safe to pass me. The car passed me very close with traffic coming in the opposite direction, which made me scream very loudly. Probably my closest call yet. -41.314012105527, 174.79034324858 Bicycle Problematic pass (usually too close)
595 A truck did an extremely close pass while I was on my bike. This forced me to get off the road - luckily there was a gap between two parked cars to do that, otherwise I likely would have sandwiched myself between the truck and a parked vehicle.
When I approached the driver at the next red light they said they 'had to be close to me because there was oncoming traffic'.
-41.324272102176, 174.77503216487 Bicycle Problematic pass (usually too close)
594 Car driver crossed cycle lane to turn right without looking and cyclist had to emergency stop, 3 other cyclists had to stop on cyclelane. -41.292300855696, 174.77295886706 Bicycle Road user turns across cyclist’s path
593 Car pulled out in front without looking. -41.28229090148, 174.74623339861 Bicycle Vehicle pulls out or across cyclist
592 Car didn't get all the way past before pulling back across the lane. Had to brake to avoid being hit. -41.280967792897, 174.75112504221 Bicycle Problematic pass (usually too close)
591 Close pass from a bus around a corner. Had to brake to avoid being sideswiped. -41.282450158745, 174.75230990167 Bicycle Problematic pass (usually too close)
590 No visibility at the T intersection due to construction vehicles parked illegally on the Tasman st side.

Have had many near misses at this intersection as you cannot see if there are any cars coming from the north side of tasman st as you turn onto Tasman st.
-41.30055156104, 174.77783144855 Car
589 Driver tailgated then passed too close. Scary, dangerous and illegal. Riddiford St heading north by Wellington hospital, -41.308976781851, 174.77841113769 Bicycle Problematic pass (usually too close)
588 Heading north on Molesworth St, I moved to the right hand lane to go straight ahead. A driver moved across my path at the slip-lane junction (near the zebra crossing), nearly colliding with me. -41.273801790942, 174.77790880372 Car Road user turns across cyclist’s path
587 Driver passed too closed as I was biking around a parked car. The entire right hand lane was clear and available for them to use to overtake safely. -41.276565033274, 174.77777155421 Bicycle Problematic pass (usually too close)
586 Travelling North down Ruahine Street. No shoulder to cycle safely on so I took the lane. Travelling ~40kmh two car drivers crossed double yellow lines into oncoming traffic to pass me, only to join a queue waiting at the Mt Vic Tunnel -41.309569748217, 174.79144858735 Bicycle Problematic pass (usually too close)
585 travelling down Bunny Street filtering through traffic. A van driver turned right into the train station and failed to give way, I swerved to avoid them. -41.279672117942, 174.77947671804 Bicycle Road user turns across cyclist’s path
584 Bus number 77 rego KLW829 close pass heading south on princess street. Driver (female) had been held up momentarily at the bus stop a few hundred metres earlier and so this could have been a punishment pass. Pass was less than 50cm. -45.880197283109, 170.50029627974 Bicycle Problematic pass (usually too close)
583 I was approaching a traffic light and as I needed to be in the right hand lane I was staying in the main lane, but the van behind me aggressively and dangerously passed me and was so close to me that I would estimate it was no more than 50cm gap. -41.31701005681, 174.79531409726 Bicycle Problematic pass (usually too close)
582 Car waiting at roundabout pulled out even though I had the right of way and the driver saw me. I had to brake to avoid an accident. It was a beautiful clear evening so no excuses about visibility. -37.676634648968, 176.22225512485 Bicycle Vehicle pulls out or across cyclist
581 School bus to marsden school overtook me with less than 30cm space up hill -41.320449800897, 174.77522351761 Bicycle Problematic pass (usually too close)
580 While approaching a parked car the door swung open into my path, and the collision threw me onto the road. Particular points of impact include my right knee, right elbow, and the rear derailleur of my bicycle, all of which made firm contact with the road. The driver said he was "sorry" and that he didn't check his mirrors or look behind before opening his door. I was likely travelling at upwards of 30kph, trying to leave room for passing peak-hour traffic from behind me. -43.525200417314, 172.68005481061 Bicycle Car door opened in cyclist’s way
579 Car driver attempted pass 50m before T junction and pulled over on two bike, knocking them off. Police not interested. -43.522943748801, 172.62718819035 Bicycle Road user turns across cyclist’s path
578 Bus over took me closely as I was planning to pull into middle lane to carry straight on then immediately follows road into Courtney place forcing me round the corner as the bus was still on my outside
-41.294310090014, 174.78353381129 Bicycle Road user turns across cyclist’s path
577 Cycling in the left lane, road narrows at the same time someone wanted to pass without changing lanes (there's no space along the quay here or anywhere for such passes!). Passed within 20cm. -41.29058728172, 174.78043586375 Bicycle Problematic pass (usually too close)
576 Coming downhill through the Crawford Rd roundabout (towards Kilbirnie), a driver coming up on my left from Wellington Rd did not see me and failed to give way. They hit me at a relatively low speed. I was shaken but uninjured. -41.313139343304, 174.78937042935 Bicycle Vehicle pulls out or across cyclist
575 Three women riding a scooter, crossed onto road at intersection while I had right of way (green light and straight ahead for me). Collided with scooter and gashed arm (many stitches). Scooter departed with the women, without checking if I was injured (appears they were not injured).g -41.290460719364, 174.77575281484 Bicycle Vehicle pulls out or across cyclist
574 Dangerous pass on a narrow blind corner with a car coming the other way - driver pulled back into the lane forcing me to stop immediately to avoid being hit. -41.283391547284, 174.75373371416 Bicycle Problematic pass (usually too close)
573 the usual Chaytor/Raroa experience. Driver exited Raroa without checking the buslane was clear. The driver was encouraged to cross because of the poor road design where a no-stopping zone actively encourages drivers to cross the road and gives them priority of traffic that has right of way -41.284734735069, 174.75415812641 Bicycle Vehicle pulls out or across cyclist
572 Driver turned onto a main road into a bike that was going straight. Bicycle Road user turns across cyclist’s path
571 We are in alert Level 3 and truck driver didn’t gave me 30cm space on the overtake -41.345674377616, 174.76976830246 Bicycle Problematic pass (usually too close)
570 I entered a roundabout with right of way, a car pulled into the roundabout in front of me without looking. I had to break very quickly to avoid collision. -41.313099241078, 174.78940573222 Bicycle Vehicle pulls out or across cyclist
569 I was crossing an intersection with right of way and a car at a stop sign pulled out in front of me, and would have hit me if I didn’t break very suddenly. -41.317584172936, 174.79360533384 Bicycle Vehicle pulls out or across cyclist
568 When cycling south along SH2 through the Petone underpass, a logging truck overtook me, grazing my right arm with the cab, forcing me into the embankment to avoid being pulled under the wheels.
Luckily the traffic was relatively heavy at Petone and the truck slowed down to a stop as it passed me.
-41.223831486479, 174.85962405092 Bicycle Problematic pass (usually too close)
567 the driver failed to stop at the stop sign at Curtis-Chaytor intersection and pulled out in front of me - 2nd driver was pretty much fully over the control line at the Raroa-Chaytor intersection and impinging on the bus/cycle lane -41.284612329137, 174.75357928246 Bicycle Road user turns across cyclist’s path
566 Cycling south bound on Clyde, signaling turn in to Thames St. Wearing hiviz jacket and flashing front light, ute turns in to clyde st making emergency stop just in time. -41.33530898975, 174.77477421918 Bicycle Vehicle pulls out or across cyclist
565 Car coming north to the Dee Street roundabout didn’t give way on the roundabout to traffic (me) already on the roundabout and turning. Evasive braking by me avoided accident. -41.329206335932, 174.7739497972 Bicycle Road user turns across cyclist’s path
564 Travelling towards the city on Glenmore St a car turned into Kilmister Ave in front of me requiring heavy braking and swerving to avoid hitting the car. -41.280217861488, 174.76752149539 Bicycle Road user turns across cyclist’s path
563 Cycling down Carrington Rd in cycleway. Car undertakes other car turning right into side street. Car turning is blocking traffic as they haven’t fully pulled into median strip. The undertaking car causes me to brake suddenly as they used to cycleway to undertake. Wet road meant my brakes did not work as well and I lost traction.
Cars using the cycleway to undertake is a common occurrence.
-36.878282101686, 174.71084599205 Bicycle Other (please add information in the textarea below)
562 The intersection of Bowen St and the Terrace is a nightmare for red-light runners- Pretty much every day, without fail, I see this when I commute. A red-light camera could be a handy solution -41.278787370364, 174.77563187369 Bicycle Other (please add information in the textarea below)
561 Car driver coming from hawker st intersection into majoriebanks st drive straight into cyclist riding up majoriebsnks street -41.295041478782, 174.78734251879 Bicycle Road user turns across cyclist’s path
560 I was going up hill no driver didn’t stay behind for 30 seconds to wait cars on other side pass to over take me with a safe distance. Driver didn’t gave me not more than 30m -41.318370608563, 174.77531900741 Bicycle Person drove (or cycled) at cyclist head on
559 This is an incident I witnessed (as a pedestrian) but was not involved in.

A car attempted to back out of angle parking space between the bus stop on the Parade near shops/ Medway street and backed into a car travelling past the Medway street intersection, travelling North. Both were at low speeds due to the amount of traffic.

After the accident, the car travelling north attempted to stop to talk to reversing driver but decided to just stop in the traffic flow (but as far left as she could) and put hazard lights on. This meant that traffic behind (including at least 3 cyclists) was required to pull into the opposite Yu traffic lane to pass at this busy street.
-41.334579353208, 174.77334665567 Car
558 I was almost struck by a car while crossing at 79 Glendale Road, from the eastern to western side of the road. The car was headed southbound so fast that even after I looked right before crossing I didn’t see it coming around the slight bend at Levy Road before it was nearly on top of me. I dashed across the centerline and the car passed behind me headed south doing easily 75-80km/h. Near serious injury or fatality for sure. Still shaken. -36.916396611652, 174.64925853002 Pedestrian
557 3 abrest cyclists blocking a narrow road on happy valley road. One was drifting into oncoming lane -41.334065726703, 174.7576699 Bicycle Other (please add information in the textarea below)
556 Person drove right through roundabout without giving way to bicycle already on the roundabout

Almost hit when turning right from Dee Street (east-Southgate side) by car coming through roundabout *from IB* along the Parade without giving way to bike already on the roundabout
-41.329203291651, 174.77385310912 Bicycle Vehicle pulls out or across cyclist