Dangerspace is a simple tool that captures data about near-misses in New Zealand – for pedestrians, cyclists, scooterist, motorcyclists and vehicles.
We're making this crowd-sourced (and non-personalised) data open, with the aim that used for planning for infrastructure, road and cycleway design, safer walking routes, public transport systems, local business planning, to name a few possible uses!
The data collected is not focused on accidents or crashes, as this data is already captured and available from various agencies (NZ Police, NZTA, etc)
Note: This is a 'beta' site, which means its a place to test this concept with interested people and gather real data along the way, and we'll be continually working to improve it.
Questions, feedback and ways to make it better?
Please email info@dangerspace.nz
Join us on Twitter @dangerspacenz
In the media
Listen to the interview on RNZ with Bryan Crump (January 22, 2020) - https://www.rnz.co.nz/national/programmes/nights/audio/2018730835/dangerspace
Privacy and data collection
We've made this as simple and private as possible. The incidents can be submitted anonymously. We don't collection identifiable information, unless you optionally add your email address for an automated email with a link to your submitted incident. IP addresses are collected when submitting, but are deleted every 36hours.
Currently the site works on a 'Good will' basis - there isn't any validation, user accounts, spam checking, etc. The admin of the site does sporadic moderation. We suggest you don't add offensive or racist/agist comments. This will only detract from the submission's (and sites') credibility.
This data collected is provided under under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License - which we feel is the best way to allow this data to be used for design and research for improving the transport infrastructure in Aotearoa/New Zealand.
Further ideas:
- Profanity check submissions (Webpurify)
- Optional user accounts
- Allowing review/edit their submissions
- Potentially provide more 'profile data' (eg; age, region, etc)
- Update graphics/branding
- Social media integration
- API improvements
Originally built by Heavytoolbox + Pepe + Lisa for Govhack NZ 2017, but its been restarted in Dec 2019 as there is still a need for this data to support infrastructure design and implementation.
Other near miss projects:
Some great further reading is the UK Near-miss bike project, you can read the final report by Rachel Aldred at http://rachelaldred.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/Nearmissreport-final-web.pdf.
Promotional posters and micro-flyers
You can print these out and share with others:
Flyer 2-up.pdf | Flyer micro.pdf | Flyer with small micros as pulloffs s