Incident Data

ID/Link Date of incident What happened? Location Type Situation
400 The date of this incident is 25 April 2017; I couldn't type this date into the box above. (amended)

I was walking along the path signed as Adderstone Walkway, through the Adderstone Reserve. A young man on a mountain bike came around a curve towards me, quite fast. I stood my ground, and there was no room on the path for him to pass, so he had to swerve off the path to avoid hitting me. He was verbally aggressive towards me when I told him I didn't think this was a shared path.

I contacted Palmerston North City Council, and was told that this path is considered by Council to be a shared pathway, along with the others which make up the Turitea walkway through the suburbs and patches of bush in this area. I looked at the Road Code on the New Zealand Transport Authority website, and found that cyclists are instructed not to ride on footpaths, unless it is signed as a shared cycle/walking path. There is nothing on the Adderstone Walkway to indicate that it is a shared pathway. It seems ridiculous to me that these tracks would be designated shared pathways. Most of them are inaccessible or impractical for cycling simply because there are lots of stairs. The Adderstone Walkway is accessible to bikes, but doesn't seem suitable to share with walkers; it's not wide enough, it's winding, and the surface is gravel.

The wooden sign at the Pacific Drive end of Adderstone Reserve has a couple of stickers on it, one indicating no motorcycles, and one indicating no horses. The stickers are in shallow square recesses in the sign, and there are also about three more of these recesses on the sign; it looks like there were more stickers on the sign in the past, but some have been removed. The "no motorcycles" one has also been partly peeled off. This makes me wonder if there was a "no bicycles" sign on there at some point.

I got the impression the people at my local Council offices might just be confused about what is a shared pathway and what isn't, and didn't want to deal with my queries. When I replied to their initial email with the concerns above, I got no reply.
-40.38926281351, 175.6439777 Pedestrian
302 Waiting to cross at pedestrian crossing at the bottom of Chilka St, 2x cars sped southbound through the crossing (much faster than the 30kpm limit in this area), ignoring the fact that I was waiting there with two small children. I put my hand out to wave so that a car would notice that we were waiting and the driver slammed on her brakes, almost sliding over the intersection. This is a really common occurrence - the crossing needs to be moved further north or road design needs changing so that drivers go slower/the crossing is noticed more by drivers. -41.322244981844, 174.7752338733 Pedestrian
369 This time and date is approximate. A scooter travelling in straight line in middle of footpath, most pedestrians were moving to the side to let him pass, but an elderly women didn't see him and stumbled to get out of his way. The scooter rider did also try to avoid hitting her, but she was startled and could have fallen. -41.313376355769, 174.77964727641 Pedestrian
386 Near miss of school kid crossing monaghan. Car turning right from Broadway to monorghan. Pedestrians here can't see cars coming behind them on Broadway when crossing between queued cars on monorghan. -41.325249447088, 174.81798057864 Pedestrian
450 Started crossing road at tactile tiles from South to North when car came around corner (turning left from SH1 northbound lane) so had to step back. Cars seem to go fast around this blind corner so it is difficult as a pedestrian to cross. -40.766525313402, 175.14797536964 Pedestrian
626 Walking east through the Mt Vic tunnel when a Bicycle collided with me from behind. His handlebar bonked into my wrist. -41.304017967897, 174.7909843252 Pedestrian
284 No provision of safe crossing, waited 7 minutes for a gap in traffic to cross with a buggy and 2 kids

Crossed when a gap was available anticipating driver to slow down. Driver on phone swerved erratically to avoid collision.

4 year old said that was scary that car nearly hit us.
-37.665979589058, 176.22322354663 Pedestrian
324 Pushing my baby across the pedestrian crossing adjacent to Aro Park. A car travelling eastbound overtook a parallel parking van and drove straight through the crossing while I was half way across. I had to run to the opposite side of the road with my buggy to avoid being hit. Vehicle drove away. -41.295572556847, 174.76842593564 Pedestrian
341 Confusion between driver and pedestrian (child) as not a clearly distinguished painted crossing. -41.338542411173, 174.76046047543 Pedestrian
271 Cyclist jumps red light for my crossing, not taking any attention to the traffic signals. -41.30922359999, 174.77855334199 Pedestrian
216 Very dangerous near miss by a extreme downhill mountain biker illegally riding. This is common on the hill on the walking only tracks which are very steep (over 30 degree angle). -41.271375695573, 174.7745299108 Pedestrian
233 A young teenager - looked 13-14? on his manual scooter rode down Wellesley St hill full speed and rode into the oncoming bus lane to do a jump trick onto the crowded footpath. The oncoming bus was lucky to slow down and stop as it had stopped at a bus stop. The teenager's friends then followed on their scooters down the hill on the footpath cheering the teenager on. The bus driver gave a stern look to the teenager but no action was taken on preventing the kid to do it again. -36.851007141377, 174.7644051893 Pedestrian
272 Cyclist nearly collided with a fellow pedestrian at this pedestrian crossing and they ignored the red light. -41.303065523181, 174.77924184454 Pedestrian
344 Family walk - 2yo in buggy 4yo on bike. All on the footpath and driver on opposite side of the road. Indicated and pulled across nearly knocking 4yo off bike. Fortunately 4yo managed to stop clear of the drive but driver kept trying to drive. Slammed hand on his bonnet to force him to stop and driver protested that we had to move to stop him blocking the road!!! Driver ignorant to the fact it was not clear to turn then pulls race card!!! Considering reporting but no video so debating if worth the effort -37.660668712256, 176.2166877 Pedestrian
409 Nearly got hit by a car coming out of forresters lane onto Tory St.

Probably the 50th time this has happened
-41.293892387438, 174.78097606383 Pedestrian
199 My daughter was crossing the road at a signalized pedestrian crossing that was green for pedestrians and was almost hit be a car that had to do an emergency stop. -36.712932309207, 174.72146957657 Pedestrian
218 Was walking in Johnston hill walking tracks and stopped as myself and an elderly gentlemen thought we heard some tree cutting noises, (there has been illegal tree felling in the area).
I took out my camera as a precaution . All of a sudden a mountain biker came down the track at high speed nearly hitting us. This all caught on camera.
-41.274788760777, 174.74299697307 Pedestrian
442 A driver ran a red light, to turn right, while pedestrian crossing was green just as I stepped onto the carriageway. -41.227334866656, 174.88491449136 Pedestrian
313 Car taking a right turn into drive, waited for oncoming traffic then pulled in-front of myself, 4 year old on bike and dog. Slammed hand on bonnet and driver looked shocked that I hadn’t let them pull in!

For clarity we were at walking pace on the pavement. No further action taken as pointless but attitudes need to change in Tauranga!
-37.663042805363, 176.21961256484 Pedestrian
395 I went to cross the road at the traffic lights, it was my turn to go the green man had just come up and a bus went through while I had a green man and nearly hit me -39.934839793826, 175.05537127994 Pedestrian
443 Saw someone walk through the first lane of stopped cars, didn't pay attention to second lane which had moving traffic. Car screeched to a halt. Person crossing didn't even realise due to wearing headphones. -41.291056699596, 174.77435412263 Pedestrian
619 Aged person walked straight into glass-walled bus stop, which has no edge warning tape and sticks out into the footpath. Ideally this could have some visible marking on the glass to reduce other sight-impaired or distracted pedestrians colliding with it. -41.293455010271, 174.77643634416 Pedestrian
201 My daughter was crossing the road at a signalized pedestrian crossing that was green for pedestrians and was almost hit be a car that had to do an emergency stop. -36.712932309207, 174.72146957657 Pedestrian
314 Half way across the zebra crossing with a buggy a car zoomed passed. Fortunately had realised on the crossing that they we not stopping and slowed to avoid collision/death of child. Also school kid on bike behind me. -37.673022057691, 176.23076981881 Pedestrian
509 An e-biker listen to headphones knocked over a toddler on the footpath and rode off obvious to the damage. -41.337107632086, 174.77253332407 Pedestrian
558 I was almost struck by a car while crossing at 79 Glendale Road, from the eastern to western side of the road. The car was headed southbound so fast that even after I looked right before crossing I didn’t see it coming around the slight bend at Levy Road before it was nearly on top of me. I dashed across the centerline and the car passed behind me headed south doing easily 75-80km/h. Near serious injury or fatality for sure. Still shaken. -36.916396611652, 174.64925853002 Pedestrian
206 truck failed to give way to cyclist at a give way sign. Truck then emergency stopped int the middle of intersection, and cyclist had to emergency stop -41.280861655308, 174.77705943076 Bicycle Vehicle pulls out or across cyclist
224 Hit a large stone, which I did not see, on the carriageway whilst cycling north/west bound on Jervois Quay/Wakefield Street. Just managed to keep control of handlebars. -41.29070489216, 174.77914875464 Bicycle Other (please add information in the textarea below)
244 Car attempted overtaking on narrow winding road and cut me off when we reached a parked car. -41.288266226274, 174.7563028282 Bicycle Problematic pass (usually too close)
264 Travelling down Newlands Rd with the traffic (speed was 45km/h) at the speed notification sign about 200m before the incident.

Truck pulled out of Black Rock Rd forcing me to swerve right in to the oncoming right hand turn lane. Thankfully driver coming towards me was aware of the incident and gave me space to avoid the truck.
-41.228415566812, 174.81869053321 Bicycle Road user turns across cyclist’s path
280 Cycling at the back of a group of three, southbound on hutt road cycle path (just south of kiawharawhara stream bridge), when a bus pulled into the depot directly across the cycle path.
All riders took evasive action, and driver sighted riders and slammed on brakes. no crash, but VERY close.
-41.26087128694, 174.78929261126 Bicycle Road user turns across cyclist’s path
301 Car tailgated me for about 200m along Riddiford St then passed very close to me and cut back in front of me sharply. -41.308077325735, 174.77816917063 Bicycle Tailgates cyclist without passing
319 Close pass at pinch point -41.324985810964, 174.77501363907 Bicycle Problematic pass (usually too close)
335 Car driver entering car park went straight across my path, made no effort to get out of way. Wasn’t able to stop before wheel hit car bumper, albeit only slowly.

Car driver drove on, appeared either unaware or indifferent to collision when I followed him and informed him of what happened.
-41.136431852474, 174.84233035398 Bicycle Road user turns across cyclist’s path
368 Car coming from Centennial Hwy illegally turning left at traffic light onto SH2 on ramp crossing my path and cutting me off. I crossed at green traffic lights.
-41.247386776822, 174.81332883901 Bicycle Road user turns across cyclist’s path
416 I was riding uphill on Orangi Kaupapa Road. As I drew level with parked cars on the other side of the road, a van passed me in the very small gap between the parked cars and me. The driver made no attempt to slow down or wait, he was less than 30 cm from me and I estimate he was driving at 30 to 40 km. He forced me into the curb and to stop. -41.278780792831, 174.76245712564 Bicycle Problematic pass (usually too close)
432 As I was moving across the left turn to continue straight onto hutt road, A Ute overtook me to my right. The Ute then moved left across my path to enter the SH2 on-ramp. -41.246759004266, 174.8135210266 Bicycle Road user turns across cyclist’s path
448 Person in Ford Territory only looking one way when suddenly pulling out over cycle path. I anticiapated and had slowed but didn't expect them to suddenly pull out withut looking. Made an emergency stop. At the problemeatic exit to the petrol service station. -41.262505975779, 174.78703760028 Bicycle Vehicle pulls out or across cyclist
464 Driver passed far too close. Scary, illegal and dangerous. -41.308406856912, 174.77822730458 Bicycle Problematic pass (usually too close)
480 Taking left hand lane of Jervois Quay heading northbound. Tradie van on my right indicates and moves into my lane with very little space -41.282810053323, 174.77825431915 Bicycle Problematic pass (usually too close)
512 Corner of Raroa and Chaytor Streets - cars crossing the bus lane in the face of an oncoming cyclist -41.284745541232, 174.75415201229 Bicycle Vehicle pulls out or across cyclist
528 failure to give way to oncoming cyclist at Raroa/Chaytor intersection -41.284781794883, 174.75420638808 Bicycle Vehicle pulls out or across cyclist
544 close and unnecessary pass in rush hour traffic on Chaytor St - I was clearly visible yet the driver passed within cm of me -41.281306950102, 174.75161537417 Bicycle Problematic pass (usually too close)
560 I was going up hill no driver didn’t stay behind for 30 seconds to wait cars on other side pass to over take me with a safe distance. Driver didn’t gave me not more than 30m -41.318370608563, 174.77531900741 Bicycle Person drove (or cycled) at cyclist head on
576 Coming downhill through the Crawford Rd roundabout (towards Kilbirnie), a driver coming up on my left from Wellington Rd did not see me and failed to give way. They hit me at a relatively low speed. I was shaken but uninjured. -41.313139343304, 174.78937042935 Bicycle Vehicle pulls out or across cyclist
592 Car didn't get all the way past before pulling back across the lane. Had to brake to avoid being hit. -41.280967792897, 174.75112504221 Bicycle Problematic pass (usually too close)
608 Car pulled out of Raroa Cres directly into my path. -41.284707773096, 174.75414799777 Bicycle Vehicle pulls out or across cyclist
624 Was cycling southbound up the first hill on Tasman Street, slowly but had lights on, not doing anything erratic. Close passed and honked at by an honked at by an aggressive driver. -41.302304748311, 174.77728818724 Bicycle Problematic pass (usually too close)
640 Car coming along Dunbar St towards 1-way South, did not stop at Giveway before cycle lane, and appeared unaware of both Giveway and of cycle lane. I had slowed down as the car appeared to be travelling faster than expected coming up to a Giveway, so was able to emergency stop and avoid impact.
Intersection design with minimal road markings is dangerous.
-45.876470666473, 170.50629115026 Bicycle Vehicle pulls out or across cyclist
120 Cut off by a car traveling in the same direction, I.e.coming from ngauranga and car was pulling into spotlight carpark -41.260103916028, 174.78958904743 Bicycle
207 Multiple cars crossed double yellow line while passing me (some still too close) -41.325097215066, 174.77503369563 Bicycle Problematic pass (usually too close)
225 Cycling along Willis Street with a colleague. Was at the Hunter Street lights on red which then turned green so cycled on, needing to turn right onto Post Office Square. Head checked to see if there was a car, behind me, there was not, so went into the right hand side of the lane, then signalled to turn right. Car overtakes us both on the wrong side of the road, yelling at tooting at us as he goes past. We then turn right after he had past, he then stops on the left hand side of the road to yell at us more. -41.285342042734, 174.77683603632 Bicycle Problematic pass (usually too close)
245 I was cycling on the left of the road going straight, a large truck with a trailer was on my right. This truck cut in front of me without indicating to park outside 'Mediterranean Food' and the trailer nearly hit me as it moved over. I had to stop and go into the curb to avoid getting hit by the trailer. -41.313444065497, 174.78202111324 Bicycle Road user turns across cyclist’s path
265 Driver of station wagon passed extremely close to me on my bicycle. He left no more than a 10cm gap. I was travelling about 25 kph, and driver was going probably 40kph. -36.850146813535, 174.857856359 Bicycle Problematic pass (usually too close)
281 Going down Adelaide road almost in island bay at 35-40km/h car over take me with with less than a meter distance having the other side of the road and in a few meters a much wider road -41.325180854278, 174.77512225662 Bicycle Problematic pass (usually too close)
320 Close pass at pinch point created by bump outs at courtesy crossing -41.317566726642, 174.77541389537 Bicycle Problematic pass (usually too close)
336 Vehicle drove across lanes to round a corner I was cycling around (close to Gutter) and came within 10cms of my Handlebars. -36.746520425321, 174.74018186231 Bicycle Problematic pass (usually too close)
353 Green cycle light at Te Atatu Peninsula motorway on-ramp. Luckily I was cautious and slowed to check drivers would stop. Car driver stops in T2 lane but van driver in lane closest to me looks at me and then drives through his red light. -36.855961163282, 174.65197892662 Bicycle Other (please add information in the textarea below)
401 Riding north bound. Car pulls out of the driveway on the opposite side of the road, intending to go northbound also. Had to make an emergency stop. Missed by 10cm. -41.324383683083, 174.77502332605 Bicycle Vehicle pulls out or across cyclist
417 I could do with being able to select two of the above above for this one.

A driver tried to overtake me between the pavement and island just before the roundabout at the top of Glasgow Street. He then tailgated through the Kelburn shops before overtaking me far too close after the Kelburn shops.

-41.292736845715, 174.7383583183 Bicycle Problematic pass (usually too close)
433 Driver passes less than 30cm distance he could have waited car in the other lane to pass than take over safely but no. -41.323034195944, 174.77506044463 Bicycle Problematic pass (usually too close)
449 Metlink bus changed into my lane, forcing me to come to a complete stop to avoid being knocked off my bike. -41.296905025133, 174.78335515776 Bicycle Road user turns across cyclist’s path
465 I was in the green box of crossing between Tory and Vivian st going down Tory st. when light went green started to bike I was around 20km/h (speed limit is 30km/h) when car tried to overtake not enough space specially because I needed to take the lane due car park on left. When I saw how close he was I was so scared I scream driver start to do angry signs to me -41.296096837576, 174.77965046108 Bicycle Problematic pass (usually too close)
481 Taxi pulled out into the cycle lane without giving way. -41.280141005436, 174.78007610792 Bicycle Vehicle pulls out or across cyclist
497 Close pass -41.318571405257, 174.78132718417 Bicycle Problematic pass (usually too close)
513 Taxi drove past dangerously close, as road narrows at this point. -41.318105091039, 174.77531909497 Bicycle Problematic pass (usually too close)
529 another day, another failure to give way at Chaytor/Raroa - cars pulling out in front of buslane users -41.284729391406, 174.75414201506 Bicycle Vehicle pulls out or across cyclist
545 close pass by tradie van approaching the Terrace intersection- extremely close and very dangerous -41.278944594985, 174.77664038428 Bicycle Problematic pass (usually too close)
561 Car driver coming from hawker st intersection into majoriebanks st drive straight into cyclist riding up majoriebsnks street -41.295041478782, 174.78734251879 Bicycle Road user turns across cyclist’s path
577 Cycling in the left lane, road narrows at the same time someone wanted to pass without changing lanes (there's no space along the quay here or anywhere for such passes!). Passed within 20cm. -41.29058728172, 174.78043586375 Bicycle Problematic pass (usually too close)
593 Car pulled out in front without looking. -41.28229090148, 174.74623339861 Bicycle Vehicle pulls out or across cyclist
609 Car pulled out of car park into path without looking. Near miss, had to brake very heavily to avoid collision. -41.284498224908, 174.77630124483 Bicycle Vehicle pulls out or across cyclist
625 While cycling at the speed limit In the bus lane, a Mercedes driver floored their loud modified car past my elbow between lanes, before cutting back into traffic ahead. -41.296050539786, 174.78245458683 Bicycle Problematic pass (usually too close)
641 I was cycling up Karori Road from Marsden Village and moved to take the road around the raised entrance to the pedestrian crossing. As I moved out, a driver decided that this was the perfect spot for a close over take - within about 40cm. Rather intimidating. -41.282833946358, 174.74424236242 Bicycle Problematic pass (usually too close)
208 I was cycling on the roundabout, driver approaching roundabout didn't give way.

Video here:
-36.923504257767, 174.77684416084 Bicycle Road user turns across cyclist’s path
226 Bus cut across me and nearly wiped me out -41.343676162193, 174.78750746891 Bicycle Road user turns across cyclist’s path
246 On cycle way between paeroa and te aroha on first major road crossing approx 4km from paeroa cars travelling fast came around almost blind corner, almost hit my 12 year daughter, all the crossings on this trail are on a busy highway and on corners and are recipe for disaster. -37.389251092864, 175.66599512166 Bicycle Other (please add information in the textarea below)
282 Driver drove passed me on my bicycle in very close proximity and screamed out his window for me to move out of his way while i was cycling home from work. This road is extremely unsafe because of the parking bays on both sides of the road. -41.2732545, 174.7837615 Bicycle Problematic pass (usually too close)
303 2x drivers opened their car doors on Adelaide Rd, without checking for cyclists. I had to swerve to avoid them (luckily the bus lane gives a little space to do this) -41.30252300083, 174.77941373463 Bicycle Car door opened in cyclist’s way
321 While cycling along Thornton quay heading south the car next to me decided to head into a parking spot but didn’t check that the way was clear. Had to take evasive action into gutter to avoid being hit -41.272611643312, 174.78265129921 Bicycle Vehicle pulls out or across cyclist
337 Road surface pushed up by buses, creating a large ridge parallel to kerb (approx. 1.5m out from kerb). This is a trip hazard for peds and a hazard for cyclists, scooters and motorcyclists. Two hospital visits have resulted from this hazard (2014-2016). Still no action from AT on a permanent repair. -36.860997129517, 174.76902879378 Bicycle Other (please add information in the textarea below)
354 Turning on the Argyle street - car overtook me. Had to push off their rear window to prevent falling off -36.842771074122, 174.73309752322 Bicycle Problematic pass (usually too close)
370 Person opened car door in front of me to get into the car. There was nowhere for be to go between parked cars and stopped traffic, so I emergency stopped. -41.229206278713, 174.88068093336 Bicycle Car door opened in cyclist’s way
402 Riding with my 4yo son on hte back, northbound on Mersey street, along hte median strip signalling left turn in to Mersey St. Car overtakes (close pass) and then turns in front to make the same turn in to Mersey St. -41.337013682925, 174.77124771756 Bicycle Problematic pass (usually too close)
418 Driver tailgated me up Beauchamp Street, before passing me on the left with less than a 30cm gap as I moved to the centre of the road to turn right up Verviers Street. There were parked cars on both sides of Beauchamp, I was riding at 35 to 40 kmh on my ebike.
-41.288247592637, 174.73869846769 Bicycle Other (please add information in the textarea below)
434 Accelerate to pass me with less than a meter, when in less than 100m he would have enough space -41.308050528941, 174.77820489981 Bicycle Person drove (or cycled) at cyclist head on
466 Overtaking bus + cyclist across double yellow lines into oncoming traffic and over pedestrian crossing. -41.253015206406, 174.90548410158 Bicycle Problematic pass (usually too close)
482 Car driving up the shoulder on the on ramp, blocking the 'cycle lane' -41.24376122018, 174.81914600165 Bicycle Cyclist's way blocked (by other road users, road conditions, etc.)
498 Driver from Awarua st failed to yeild as I entered the roundabout from Ottawa Rd to Khandallah Rd -41.247612922602, 174.77474722467 Bicycle Vehicle pulls out or across cyclist
514 Customized Deliveries van passed close and fast after sharp turn - plate CPA77 i believe -36.873532332262, 174.77840925026 Bicycle Problematic pass (usually too close)
530 driver in SUV tailgating cyclist then committing an illegal underpass in a bus lane - chaytor St -41.283765966128, 174.75228592643 Bicycle Problematic pass (usually too close)
546 close passed by a car with diplomatic plates on Gelnmore Rd opposite botanic gardens - helmet cam footage showed the driver using his cellphone just a few hundred meters up the road as well -41.282774308519, 174.76317569503 Bicycle Problematic pass (usually too close)
562 The intersection of Bowen St and the Terrace is a nightmare for red-light runners- Pretty much every day, without fail, I see this when I commute. A red-light camera could be a handy solution -41.278787370364, 174.77563187369 Bicycle Other (please add information in the textarea below)
578 Bus over took me closely as I was planning to pull into middle lane to carry straight on then immediately follows road into Courtney place forcing me round the corner as the bus was still on my outside
-41.294310090014, 174.78353381129 Bicycle Road user turns across cyclist’s path
594 Car driver crossed cycle lane to turn right without looking and cyclist had to emergency stop, 3 other cyclists had to stop on cyclelane. -41.292300855696, 174.77295886706 Bicycle Road user turns across cyclist’s path
610 Cycling to work, and was dangerously close overtaken by a white Mitsubishi Fuso truck (rego LLY112), with McLatchie & Sharp drainage and civil contractors signwitten on front. Driver drifted in and out of the cycle lane, very distracted.
I have cycle safety cameras, and in the camera the driver is very clearly visible talking on a cellphone in his right hand while driving.
I have saved the footage, available for the police if evidence is needed.
This is very dangerous behaviour, I or another cyclist could have been killed this morning by this supposedly professional driver.
-41.224004558031, 174.85863207509 Bicycle Problematic pass (usually too close)
642 I was cycling behind another cyclist down Chaytor. A car pulled out from Curtis Street into slow moving traffic, almost taking out the other cyclist. I had plenty of time to pull to a halt, but had to wait while they moved out of the bus lane. -41.284584300359, 174.75356926481 Bicycle Vehicle pulls out or across cyclist
122 Traveling north to Ngaio along Hutt road. Cars turning into tinakori road from Hutt road try and sneak across but misjudged my speed and nearly got run over -41.268335866803, 174.78073239326 Bicycle
227 Tradesman driving a large ute gave me a punishment pass for causing him to drive slightly more slowly for slightly longer than usual. -41.319938063961, 174.77659495 Bicycle Problematic pass (usually too close)
247 On cycle way between paeroa and te aroha on first major road crossing approx 4km from paeroa cars travelling fast came around almost blind corner, almost hit my 12 year daughter, all the crossings on this trail are on a busy highway and on corners and are recipe for disaster. -37.413000870881, 175.6517031074 Bicycle Other (please add information in the textarea below)