Incident Data
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This data is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
ID/Link | Date of incident | What happened? | Location | Type | Situation |
522 | head on collision driver failed to give way and hit me at the intersection of Raroa and Chaytior. Driver was prosecuted and found guilty of careless driving causing injury | -41.284781794883, 174.75419565924 | Bicycle | Person drove (or cycled) at cyclist head on | |
533 | car failed to give way at Chaytor/Raroa to cyclist that had right of way | -41.28474148452, 174.7541527439 | Bicycle | Vehicle pulls out or across cyclist | |
337 | Road surface pushed up by buses, creating a large ridge parallel to kerb (approx. 1.5m out from kerb). This is a trip hazard for peds and a hazard for cyclists, scooters and motorcyclists. Two hospital visits have resulted from this hazard (2014-2016). Still no action from AT on a permanent repair. | -36.860997129517, 174.76902879378 | Bicycle | Other (please add information in the textarea below) | |
532 | car failed to give way at Chaytor/Raroa - crossed in front of cyclist that had right of way | -41.284749546594, 174.75418493041 | Bicycle | Vehicle pulls out or across cyclist | |
119 | Other car ran a red light at new intersection, fortunately we weren't fully in the intersection so they just slipped past us | -36.775455408787, 174.55436199903 | Car | ||
329 | Vehicle pulls out of Mitre 10 Mega to go down Harris road. Colliding with me, causing serious injuries | -36.893314390852, 174.83413980379 | Bicycle | Vehicle pulls out or across cyclist | |
123 | Using the roundabout, get cut off by rednecks deliberately trying to intimidate in their truck. I had right of way, they pulled out too early. | -43.528861486415, 172.61230051517 | Bicycle | ||
116 | Standing with one foot on bike on road next the pavement. Small truck came come close to me. | -41.294184258299, 174.78399798274 | Bicycle | ||
512 | Corner of Raroa and Chaytor Streets - cars crossing the bus lane in the face of an oncoming cyclist | -41.284745541232, 174.75415201229 | Bicycle | Vehicle pulls out or across cyclist | |
536 | 2 cars failing to give way to cyclist with right of way at Chaytor/Raroa intersection | -41.284749546594, 174.7541527439 | Bicycle | Vehicle pulls out or across cyclist | |
111 | Black car reversed out of parking fast, cause me to emergency brake and skid all over the left side of the road. | -41.290786496907, 174.7908872366 | Bicycle | ||
397 | Car driving without lights almost rear ended me, car driver was an agitated old woman | -36.761299063357, 174.70681749835 | Bicycle | Other (please add information in the textarea below) | |
112 | At round about, a car turn was in the line heading straight through. I went to take off after no traffic was coming through the right. Car went to make a left turn in lane that is going straight nearly taking me out. | -41.233792218181, 174.90381762385 | Bicycle | ||
400 | The date of this incident is 25 April 2017; I couldn't type this date into the box above. (amended) I was walking along the path signed as Adderstone Walkway, through the Adderstone Reserve. A young man on a mountain bike came around a curve towards me, quite fast. I stood my ground, and there was no room on the path for him to pass, so he had to swerve off the path to avoid hitting me. He was verbally aggressive towards me when I told him I didn't think this was a shared path. I contacted Palmerston North City Council, and was told that this path is considered by Council to be a shared pathway, along with the others which make up the Turitea walkway through the suburbs and patches of bush in this area. I looked at the Road Code on the New Zealand Transport Authority website, and found that cyclists are instructed not to ride on footpaths, unless it is signed as a shared cycle/walking path. There is nothing on the Adderstone Walkway to indicate that it is a shared pathway. It seems ridiculous to me that these tracks would be designated shared pathways. Most of them are inaccessible or impractical for cycling simply because there are lots of stairs. The Adderstone Walkway is accessible to bikes, but doesn't seem suitable to share with walkers; it's not wide enough, it's winding, and the surface is gravel. The wooden sign at the Pacific Drive end of Adderstone Reserve has a couple of stickers on it, one indicating no motorcycles, and one indicating no horses. The stickers are in shallow square recesses in the sign, and there are also about three more of these recesses on the sign; it looks like there were more stickers on the sign in the past, but some have been removed. The "no motorcycles" one has also been partly peeled off. This makes me wonder if there was a "no bicycles" sign on there at some point. I got the impression the people at my local Council offices might just be confused about what is a shared pathway and what isn't, and didn't want to deal with my queries. When I replied to their initial email with the concerns above, I got no reply. |
-40.38926281351, 175.6439777 | Pedestrian | ||
118 | Car pulled In front of bike. Near miss. | -40.918107495683, 175.00176250935 | Bicycle | ||
121 | Ice on the road and roadworks, caused the motorcycle back wheel to slip out. | -43.521130644285, 172.63054514449 | Motorcycle | ||
124 | Car nearly knocked me off my bike. | -43.56381855864, 172.64885902405 | Bicycle | ||
113 | Riding bike along Jervois key - nearly wiped out by a passing bus. | -41.2873105, 174.7779572 | Bicycle | ||
114 | Car reversing out of a parking spot. Had to swerve the road to miss the car. | -41.271420312877, 174.78178918362 | Bicycle | ||
115 | Heading down Hawker Street by Bike, a car pulled out in front of me, the driver did not look or indicate. I had to brake suddenly and nearly fell off. | -41.294278470098, 174.79822576046 | Bicycle | ||
120 | Cut off by a car traveling in the same direction, I.e.coming from ngauranga and car was pulling into spotlight carpark | -41.260103916028, 174.78958904743 | Bicycle | ||
122 | Traveling north to Ngaio along Hutt road. Cars turning into tinakori road from Hutt road try and sneak across but misjudged my speed and nearly got run over | -41.268335866803, 174.78073239326 | Bicycle | ||
238 | Another failure to give way on a roundabout, despite clear hand signalling. Driver just didn't look at all, and was quite oblivious. Had I not adjusted my speed, would have been a collision. Video: |
-41.131513893264, 174.84013515883 | Bicycle | Vehicle pulls out or across cyclist | |
237 | Driver fails to give way to me at roundabout, and then a couple of hundred later starts intimidating me with his horn, wanting to overtake through a pinch point on a zebra crossing. Video: ----------------- Elderly driver of White 2017 Hyundai Santa Fe seems to not be familiar with how to give way at a roundabout, nor how to safely overtake cyclists without intimidation over a zebra crossing. Lots of nice hand gestures as he passed - he did seem very angry. I think he took exception to me asserting my right of way over the roundabout, and I assume then expected me to stop so he could overtake? Puzzling, aggressive and unskilled driving. |
-41.134052734272, 174.84149948176 | Bicycle | Vehicle pulls out or across cyclist | |
331 | Van pulls out in front of me to change lanes on Pakuranga Rd, without looking or using mirrors (even though I ride with flashing headlight). turns out it was just to be a queue jumper, to cut in a few more cars ahead. | -36.910906127577, 174.87415953396 | Bicycle | Vehicle pulls out or across cyclist | |
535 | the obligatory fail to give way at Chaytor/Raroa in morning rush hour | -41.284749546594, 174.75419565924 | Bicycle | Vehicle pulls out or across cyclist | |
338 | Howick and Eastern Bus driver passed cyclist then pulled left into bus stop, nearly hitting cyclist. Words were exchanged. Police involved on request from cyclist. Bus driver issued with infringement notice for failure to give way. | -36.861451172386, 174.77029584313 | Bicycle | Road user turns across cyclist’s path | |
531 | car vis motorcyclist - car crossed into bus lane and collided with the motorcyclist | -41.284471404441, 174.75299939402 | Bicycle | Other (please add information in the textarea below) | |
534 | car passed and then turned across me at the intersection of Chaytor and Birdwood - a highly dangerous pass. Police complaint lodged, but they only issued a warning | -41.286700539385, 174.75466236361 | Bicycle | Road user turns across cyclist’s path | |
219 | illegally parked Taxi turned in to the road suddenly (from being parked in illegal loading zone and getting a fine from a parking Marshall) without indicating and hit me off my bike with the nose of his car. He proceeded without stopping - returned after 10 minutes - said he went to look for legal parking. Broken bent bike and front shock and cracked helmet. No assistance from the police - had to carry my bike (could not push it was bent) to the police station (with head injuries and other bumps and bruises) after waiting for the police to arrive for 20 minutes. | -41.282298713942, 174.7755975 | Bicycle | Vehicle pulls out or across cyclist | |
530 | driver in SUV tailgating cyclist then committing an illegal underpass in a bus lane - chaytor St | -41.283765966128, 174.75228592643 | Bicycle | Problematic pass (usually too close) | |
529 | another day, another failure to give way at Chaytor/Raroa - cars pulling out in front of buslane users | -41.284729391406, 174.75414201506 | Bicycle | Vehicle pulls out or across cyclist | |
528 | failure to give way to oncoming cyclist at Raroa/Chaytor intersection | -41.284781794883, 174.75420638808 | Bicycle | Vehicle pulls out or across cyclist | |
328 | Driver makes a left hand turn into St Marks Catholic Church, Pakuranga Rd after barely finishing passing me. Only saving grace was at least she indicated so I knew what imminent act of stupidity was coming. |
-36.901786955928, 174.89733638287 | Bicycle | Road user turns across cyclist’s path | |
199 | My daughter was crossing the road at a signalized pedestrian crossing that was green for pedestrians and was almost hit be a car that had to do an emergency stop. | -36.712932309207, 174.72146957657 | Pedestrian | ||
201 | My daughter was crossing the road at a signalized pedestrian crossing that was green for pedestrians and was almost hit be a car that had to do an emergency stop. | -36.712932309207, 174.72146957657 | Pedestrian | ||
325 | This is an old incident from last year but should be reported. Riding in second of three northbound lanes. Cars in first lane are queued from Ti Rakau up the hill. Large SUV passes me in the third lane and immediately pulls across and tries to merge into the queued first lane. Vehicle stops right in front of me blocking second lane. Road was wet, drifted both wheels and somehow they gripped and I ended up going around the vehicle. | -36.910731022648, 174.87558317116 | Bicycle | Other (please add information in the textarea below) | |
260 | Ute pulled into the Seaview roundabout coming from Hutt park right into my path cutting me off. The driver was clearly distracted and apparently feeding or playing with his dog that sat on his lap. | -41.233981736096, 174.90455747398 | Bicycle | Vehicle pulls out or across cyclist | |
408 | Middle of last year (not absolutely sure of the date) Young driver drove up alongside of me and then slowly overtook (I had a sense he was going to do something odd) he then turned left across my path to enter a driveway into a carpark. I had slowed right down but still had to jam on my brakes. He missed me but only just. It all happened quite fast and I was left with that adrenalin rush. |
-41.290296460656, 174.77396246601 | Bicycle | Road user turns across cyclist’s path | |
576 | Coming downhill through the Crawford Rd roundabout (towards Kilbirnie), a driver coming up on my left from Wellington Rd did not see me and failed to give way. They hit me at a relatively low speed. I was shaken but uninjured. | -41.313139343304, 174.78937042935 | Bicycle | Vehicle pulls out or across cyclist | |
218 | Was walking in Johnston hill walking tracks and stopped as myself and an elderly gentlemen thought we heard some tree cutting noises, (there has been illegal tree felling in the area). I took out my camera as a precaution . All of a sudden a mountain biker came down the track at high speed nearly hitting us. This all caught on camera. |
-41.274788760777, 174.74299697307 | Pedestrian | ||
221 | As U passed through the intersection a driver in a car on my left at a give way pulled into me. Driver braked when he registered me and I almost went over their bonnet - swerved and braked, just missing the car. I was lit with daylights and there was light traffic. No one behind me overtakibg me at the time in my lane. I was in the green painted cycle lane part of the road.. | -41.267572824387, 174.78129723108 | Bicycle | Vehicle pulls out or across cyclist | |
550 | close pass by taxi on Bowen St, zero effort made to give a safe passing distance | -41.279113913385, 174.77687641867 | Bicycle | Problematic pass (usually too close) | |
195 | On bike overtaking another cyclist, bus overtook me with >10cm clearance, spoke to bus driver at next lights, and was apologetic. | -41.324767918418, 174.77500624166 | Bicycle | Problematic pass (usually too close) | |
270 | I was travelling left off Hanson onto John St and planning to turn tight into Tasman st. I entered to right turn lane and can was travelling down John St cut across my right turn Lane to get to the the one turning right off John St into Hanson st. This is a common occurance. |
-41.307153770048, 174.7764250809 | Bicycle | Person drove (or cycled) at cyclist head on | |
204 | Driver turning right from Beatrice Tinsley Cres onto Bush Road accelerates quickly out of the intersection without looking to his right to try and make a (rare) gap in traffic on Bush Road heading towards Albany Highway. I had to swerve out into the middle of the road to avoid him. | -36.755325733143, 174.70283566061 | Bicycle | Vehicle pulls out or across cyclist | |
208 | I was cycling on the roundabout, driver approaching roundabout didn't give way. Video here: |
-36.923504257767, 174.77684416084 | Bicycle | Road user turns across cyclist’s path | |
549 | closs pass by a Metlink Bus on Glenmore Rd | -41.283749841735, 174.7618882347 | Bicycle | Problematic pass (usually too close) | |
272 | Cyclist nearly collided with a fellow pedestrian at this pedestrian crossing and they ignored the red light. | -41.303065523181, 174.77924184454 | Pedestrian | ||
267 | Car door opened into road. | -41.309049526366, 174.7762687 | Bicycle | Other (please add information in the textarea below) | |
197 | Car switching lanes on Murphy st didn't check blind spot and almost sideswiped me. | -41.274901513939, 174.7792742 | Bicycle | Vehicle pulls out or across cyclist | |
341 | Confusion between driver and pedestrian (child) as not a clearly distinguished painted crossing. | -41.338542411173, 174.76046047543 | Pedestrian | ||
461 | I cycled through the bus stop so that the Cars could pass me in the other lane, and then I would merge at the end of the bus stop when it was safe. But a bus from behind didn’t see me, and then when called to stop by a passenger, pulled into the bus stop and hit me. I managed to get onto the pavement and was miraculously unhurt. | -41.279247236747, 174.7688006075 | Bicycle | Vehicle pulls out or across cyclist | |
249 | Bus passed at speed up hill whilst only sinhle lane space available | -41.325488096993, 174.77485053129 | Bicycle | Problematic pass (usually too close) | |
326 | Driver deliberately passed at high speed only a few cm from my bike, despite having 3 empty lanes to their right. | -36.9284381614, 174.9035373858 | Bicycle | Problematic pass (usually too close) | |
226 | Bus cut across me and nearly wiped me out | -41.343676162193, 174.78750746891 | Bicycle | Road user turns across cyclist’s path | |
196 | Cars coming up hill too fast and cut the long open corner off, nearly hit even though I was practically riding in the gutter. Often happens at rush hour at that location. | -41.315088770627, 174.77556550566 | Bicycle | Problematic pass (usually too close) | |
198 | Close pass by bus 3523 LME519 | -41.316065202873, 174.77553493188 | Bicycle | Problematic pass (usually too close) | |
349 | I was coming around the headland on a windy day from Oriental Bay onto Evans Bay Parade. There's a place where the strong wind suddenly gets stronger. At that point, the wind blew me into the curb. I went flying over the handlebars. The bike and I landed on the footpath. Suggestion to reduce likelihood of incident: some kind of warning sign about strong wind, and a suggestion to get off and walk in strong wind? |
-41.286095635413, 174.80382050383 | Bicycle | Other (please add information in the textarea below) | |
398 | Truck drove on footpath while turning, I had a quickly back my front wheel for not being hit | -37.665431298919, 176.18720431747 | Bicycle | Other (please add information in the textarea below) | |
200 | Tranzit bus and then a car both cut across bike lane too close | -41.279664943795, 174.779386485 | Bicycle | Road user turns across cyclist’s path | |
263 | I was closely overtaken by two cars. | -36.871802635606, 174.62795748808 | Bicycle | Problematic pass (usually too close) | |
216 | Very dangerous near miss by a extreme downhill mountain biker illegally riding. This is common on the hill on the walking only tracks which are very steep (over 30 degree angle). | -41.271375695573, 174.7745299108 | Pedestrian | ||
336 | Vehicle drove across lanes to round a corner I was cycling around (close to Gutter) and came within 10cms of my Handlebars. | -36.746520425321, 174.74018186231 | Bicycle | Problematic pass (usually too close) | |
202 | Car attempted to turn left into Davis Street, which was a closed road. Driver narrowly avoided left hooking the cyclists that were swerving around temporary road signs and cones palced in the cycleway. I had to do an emergency stop when the driver aborted their left turn and attempted to rejoin traffic without checking for cyclists behind them. | -41.274501285314, 174.78354880799 | Car | ||
203 | Approaching Campbell Rd from Onehunga Mall, moved to the centre of the lane to go straight ahead at the roundabout to Cornwall Park. Car squeezes past me and does a left hook into Campbell Rd. Apparently it was my fault for not indicating and riding in the middle of the road. Apart from the fact that I was legally "taking the lane" and that you are not meant to signal when going straight at a roundabout, only at the exit. I advised her to read the road code. | -36.908747879988, 174.78345763859 | Bicycle | Road user turns across cyclist’s path | |
354 | Turning on the Argyle street - car overtook me. Had to push off their rear window to prevent falling off | -36.842771074122, 174.73309752322 | Bicycle | Problematic pass (usually too close) | |
228 | Passing through the gap in the fence to leave the cycle path/footpath onto the road. The fence is tight, i was travelling at speed and I turned too sharp, the result was the front wheel washing out and i went over the handlebars onto the road. Bruised and concussed. The main fault was rider error, although a nicer exit onto Patterson Street would prevent the need for tight turns and be safer in terms of looking out for cars. | -41.301204507175, 174.7831195275 | Bicycle | Other (please add information in the textarea below) | |
206 | truck failed to give way to cyclist at a give way sign. Truck then emergency stopped int the middle of intersection, and cyclist had to emergency stop | -41.280861655308, 174.77705943076 | Bicycle | Vehicle pulls out or across cyclist | |
207 | Multiple cars crossed double yellow line while passing me (some still too close) | -41.325097215066, 174.77503369563 | Bicycle | Problematic pass (usually too close) | |
209 | Observed a car overtake a bicycle. Bike was following Victoria street towards Brooklyn hill. Car in left hand lane overtook and then turned left into Webb st cutting off cyclist. It was close. Idiot! That block of Victoria street is ridiculously unsafe. Cycle lane ends at Karo drive, and dumps cyclists to a lane with drivers splitting two directions |
-41.296935101321, 174.77127850443 | Motorcycle | ||
211 | Driver in white van passed us (two cyclists) far too closely entering the wide bend, then cut back abruptly in front of us to move back into left lane. The pass could have been completed safely by waiting just 5 - 10 seconds until we had passed around the bend. | -41.304381818178, 174.81549756803 | Bicycle | Problematic pass (usually too close) | |
215 | Incident at the lights where a car ran a red arrow and cut me off. Car was travelling North along the one way st of Cumberland St and was turning right into St Andrew St. There are lights at this intersection to stop cars for cyclists but cars more often than not ignore it and cut the cyclists off. A very dangerous intersection. This intersection and the way the cars ignore their red arrow will either kill or seriously injust a cyclist. | -45.872492963187, 170.50790544475 | Bicycle | Vehicle pulls out or across cyclist | |
224 | Hit a large stone, which I did not see, on the carriageway whilst cycling north/west bound on Jervois Quay/Wakefield Street. Just managed to keep control of handlebars. | -41.29070489216, 174.77914875464 | Bicycle | Other (please add information in the textarea below) | |
213 | Near Miss (NEAR FATALITY!) Cycling NW Bikeway crossing Lincoln Rd from W to E. Saw Green Cycle and proceeded to cross, not realising that the green was not for the slip road. Car misses my front wheel by a few cm. He was travelling around 80km/hr. If I had been 1 sec earlier I would have been dead. Bad intersection design, doesn't comply with road to zero. |
-36.84900317208, 174.63141217329 | Bicycle | Other (please add information in the textarea below) | |
271 | Cyclist jumps red light for my crossing, not taking any attention to the traffic signals. | -41.30922359999, 174.77855334199 | Pedestrian | ||
217 | Cars waiting to turn left into Vivian street blocking cycle lane forcing bikes out into traffic lane. Lucky nice bus driver let me in. This happens most times when using Victoria Street Cycle lane just before 5pm | -41.293731085836, 174.77318519707 | Bicycle | Cyclist's way blocked (by other road users, road conditions, etc.) | |
220 | Pedestrian walked down centre of cycleway making no effort to walk to the pedstrian footpath on hutt road, i was heading south as was the pedestrian so had her back to me. I kept left of her but slowed just in case she moved towards the footpath. A cyclist heading north which she saw made her quickly move into my line so I had to take evasive action to move around her right, directly inline with the northbound cyclist. He skidded past and I got very clise to her as anymore to the right we would have collided. Pedestrian blocked the view and took most of the focus from the other cyclists as she was unpredictable in what she would do. Myself and the other cyclist stopped and looked back to make all was ok then carried on. | -41.261323513932, 174.7886882 | Bicycle | Other (please add information in the textarea below) | |
214 | I was cycling in the right lane, to prepare to turn right. The traffic light ahead was red. A driver then undertook me on the left, straddling both lanes, before cutting back into my lane requiring me to swerve onto the flush median to avoid him. | -41.278806965932, 174.7796297226 | Bicycle | Problematic pass (usually too close) | |
225 | Cycling along Willis Street with a colleague. Was at the Hunter Street lights on red which then turned green so cycled on, needing to turn right onto Post Office Square. Head checked to see if there was a car, behind me, there was not, so went into the right hand side of the lane, then signalled to turn right. Car overtakes us both on the wrong side of the road, yelling at tooting at us as he goes past. We then turn right after he had past, he then stops on the left hand side of the road to yell at us more. | -41.285342042734, 174.77683603632 | Bicycle | Problematic pass (usually too close) | |
230 | Car tailed cyclist for approximately 200m in the left hand lane (travelling less than a metre behind the cyclist), yelling abuse while driving. The person on the bike was travelling pretty fast and in the safest way possible on a road without cycle lanes, and wasn't really holding up traffic. | -41.307835028873, 174.77801819193 | Bicycle | Tailgates cyclist without passing | |
246 | On cycle way between paeroa and te aroha on first major road crossing approx 4km from paeroa cars travelling fast came around almost blind corner, almost hit my 12 year daughter, all the crossings on this trail are on a busy highway and on corners and are recipe for disaster. | -37.389251092864, 175.66599512166 | Bicycle | Other (please add information in the textarea below) | |
247 | On cycle way between paeroa and te aroha on first major road crossing approx 4km from paeroa cars travelling fast came around almost blind corner, almost hit my 12 year daughter, all the crossings on this trail are on a busy highway and on corners and are recipe for disaster. | -37.413000870881, 175.6517031074 | Bicycle | Other (please add information in the textarea below) | |
222 | Dangerous spot for southbound cyclists turning, no way for cyclists to safely change lanes to turn right. Have to either cut through traffic when stopped or try to match speed of traffic to move right. | -41.279816506437, 174.77903305165 | Bicycle | Cyclist's way blocked (by other road users, road conditions, etc.) | |
223 | Car rolled through stop sign and pulled out in front of me (while looking directly at me!). I swerved around behind the car. | -40.976397345139, 174.96048340481 | Bicycle | Vehicle pulls out or across cyclist | |
227 | Tradesman driving a large ute gave me a punishment pass for causing him to drive slightly more slowly for slightly longer than usual. | -41.319938063961, 174.77659495 | Bicycle | Problematic pass (usually too close) | |
229 | Close passed by a cement truck through a 70km/h construction zone with no shoulder and oncoming traffic. | -40.820884032228, 175.10263496584 | Bicycle | Problematic pass (usually too close) | |
233 | A young teenager - looked 13-14? on his manual scooter rode down Wellesley St hill full speed and rode into the oncoming bus lane to do a jump trick onto the crowded footpath. The oncoming bus was lucky to slow down and stop as it had stopped at a bus stop. The teenager's friends then followed on their scooters down the hill on the footpath cheering the teenager on. The bus driver gave a stern look to the teenager but no action was taken on preventing the kid to do it again. | -36.851007141377, 174.7644051893 | Pedestrian | ||
355 | Black Hyundai Wagon pulled out from Garnet Road stop sign, forcing me to brake and take evasive action |
-36.853756073549, 174.71804990059 | Bicycle | Road user turns across cyclist’s path | |
254 | Car travelling dangerously close to my car on onramp. | -40.869537540877, 175.03425970329 | Car | ||
231 | Heading northbound when a grey Holden colorado in the opposite motorway lane hit the median barrier and was scaping along the cable median barrier at high speed with all sorts of debris flying off. A large piece of the colorado or median barrier hit our car denting the side and possibly flew off into cars behind us. | -37.267382411281, 175.04502774199 | Car | ||
248 | Driving down Lachlan Ave approaching Queens Drive intersection a car failed to stop at the stop sign and continued to pull out in front of me. I had to perform a very scary emergency stop. Had less that a car length to spare. I am always mindful of this intersection and had slowed on seeing the car there. | -45.857906610707, 170.50828528431 | Car | ||
269 | There is a right turn bay here with a stop line. It is a sharp bend. I was turning right off Luxford and onto Rintoul St. A car travelling from Rintoul onto Luxford cut the corner, across my path. This is a common occurrence. | -41.319935418945, 174.77781288268 | Bicycle | Vehicle pulls out or across cyclist | |
245 | I was cycling on the left of the road going straight, a large truck with a trailer was on my right. This truck cut in front of me without indicating to park outside 'Mediterranean Food' and the trailer nearly hit me as it moved over. I had to stop and go into the curb to avoid getting hit by the trailer. | -41.313444065497, 174.78202111324 | Bicycle | Road user turns across cyclist’s path | |
236 | driver in front emergency stopped to avoid a bus driver driving on the wrong side of the road. I was following too closely and swerved while emergency braking to avoid them. |
-41.287890829068, 174.80179895443 | Bicycle | Cyclist's way blocked (by other road users, road conditions, etc.) | |
273 | Had to break hard to avoid passing speeding car | -37.471573642577, 175.61717647145 | Car | ||
235 | driver, on their phone waiting to pull out of a driveway was completely blocking the cycleway, and had crept out into the traffic lane. To avoid traffic they began reversing without looking while I was attempting to ride behind them. Had to swerve to avoid reversing car |
-41.267287387281, 174.78164823744 | Bicycle | Other (please add information in the textarea below) | |
266 | Pulled out of Edinburgh terrace and couldn’t see a car coming from the right. The parked cars are too close to the end of the street and there’s no way to see someone coming till you are in the line of traffic | -41.321675323569, 174.78029996272 | Car | ||
241 | Delivery truck parked on the Island Bay cycleway, in front of Burger Wisconsin in Island Bay. This is a regular occurrence. | -41.3311845, 174.7716959 | Car | Cyclist's way blocked (by other road users, road conditions, etc.) | |
234 | I was riding to work and an 18wheeled truck passed too close to my partner and I on Adelaide Rd in Berhampore. Squeezing us between parked cars on the left and their giant vehicle. It spooked me. | -41.321530241236, 174.77518747665 | Bicycle | Problematic pass (usually too close) |