Incident Data

ID/Link Date of incident What happened? Location Type Situation
511 I was cycling south on Karori Road. Hit head-on by a driver heading north on Karori Rd as they turned right into Lancaster St without giving way -41.282188223822, 174.74666732472 Bicycle Person drove (or cycled) at cyclist head on
518 driver encroaching on bus lane from Curtis St - driver straddling bus lane on Chaytor St -41.284604320384, 174.75359657304 Bicycle Cyclist's way blocked (by other road users, road conditions, etc.)
507 Extremely close pass going up the hill -41.261244738121, 174.76420682061 Bicycle Problematic pass (usually too close)
510 - Me and my three-year-old on the bike, heading on Adelaide Rd. towards the city
- car turned right from stoke street onto Adelaide Rd
- another car shot passed (well over 50k) us and turned left towards us when he saw the other car half blocking the road
- missed us by a few centimetres
- caught up afterwards: guy wore a neck collar, couldn't turn his head, had his passenger window completely blocked, three kids in the back seat, used abusive language
-41.313867041266, 174.77583645806 Bicycle Problematic pass (usually too close)
506 Bayfair roundabout a car did not see me coming and accelerated onto the roundabout, if I hadn't braked I would have been hit -37.676636835745, 176.22220713476 Bicycle Vehicle pulls out or across cyclist
508 Car driver pulled into parking area across cyclelane, indicating only when actually turning without warning. Near-miss -41.291988467765, 174.77466284804 Bicycle Vehicle pulls out or across cyclist
553 Riding up Rintoul, a car accelerated to 55-60kph to get around me and beat a bus coming down the other way, I had to pull into a gap between parked cars and the car still passed very close to me. -41.312924424237, 174.77887268535 Bicycle Problematic pass (usually too close)
561 Car driver coming from hawker st intersection into majoriebanks st drive straight into cyclist riding up majoriebsnks street -41.295041478782, 174.78734251879 Bicycle Road user turns across cyclist’s path
519 Near failure to give way from car at intersection of Chaytor and Raroa -41.285330013355, 174.75469991454 Bicycle Vehicle pulls out or across cyclist
505 Car travelling south pulled onto shared path and drove heads on towards cyclist. -41.267053739258, 174.78187208955 Bicycle Person drove (or cycled) at cyclist head on
537 close pass x2 by a Metlink bus driver - 1 on Glenmore opposite Botanic Gardens. The 2nd at the Chaytor St bus stop just past the Birdwood St intersection. Police declined to prosecute -41.282443752634, 174.76343318709 Bicycle Problematic pass (usually too close)
520 Vehicle encroaching on bus lane at Raroa/Chaytor intersection - way past the control line -41.285571872982, 174.75485011824 Bicycle Vehicle pulls out or across cyclist
504 Large SUV turning from Mersey St to north bound on to Island Bay parade failed to give way from a stop sign to a cyclist heading straight along Mersey St across Island Bay Parade. Narrow miss. Young child riding on the back on the bike. -41.337277514112, 174.7726286018 Bicycle Road user turns across cyclist’s path
503 Car heading north on Hutt Rd made right turn into Spotlight car park across shared path without look to their right driving across my path making me stop to avoid a collision. -41.260411207297, 174.78960365104 Bicycle Road user turns across cyclist’s path
502 Nearly daily occurrence of cars dangerously overtaking bikes in blind turn through road works (posted speed limit 30kph which bikes are doing). Both passing cyclist dangerously and nearly hitting oncoming traffic around curvet432e2te2 -41.298612542254, 174.80554815771 Bicycle Problematic pass (usually too close)
501 cycling on Tory street towards Courtenay Place, traveling at 35km/h, where the speed limit is 30km/h. As I was traveling at or above the speed limit, I was taking the lane to prevent unnecessary and unsafe passing

A driver aggressively overtook me, crossing to the wrong side of the road to do so, into oncoming traffic. I then re-passed them at the next (red) traffic light at the Tory/Courtenay intersection
-41.292412734553, 174.78178345254 Bicycle Problematic pass (usually too close)
521 car encroaching on bus lane at Raroa/Chaytor intersection - well past the control line and blocking part of the lane -41.285072028766, 174.75482866057 Bicycle Vehicle pulls out or across cyclist
498 Driver from Awarua st failed to yeild as I entered the roundabout from Ottawa Rd to Khandallah Rd -41.247612922602, 174.77474722467 Bicycle Vehicle pulls out or across cyclist
500 Driver was waiting in queue, and changed lanes across bike lane when starting to move. Began to change lanes before the turning lane was available, squeezing me towards parked cars. -41.292476347204, 174.77423161137 Bicycle Vehicle pulls out or across cyclist
497 Close pass -41.318571405257, 174.78132718417 Bicycle Problematic pass (usually too close)
496 Ute cut me off -36.867583255274, 174.66902645532 Motorcycle
499 Turning right into Tasman street from John street, sitting in the right turn lane and someone travelling Eastbound along John (fast) overtook slowing traffic such that they were driving straight at me. This happens often. We complained previously and the council recognised the danger and added a concrete median to stop people doing that. In the recent roadworks they have removed this safety feature. -41.307181779947, 174.77634256283 Motorcycle
495 I crossed the intersection on the cycle lane into Thorndon Quay when a Ute passed my extremely closely making me swerve and pushing me onto the shoulder. -41.277741680347, 174.78042137393 Bicycle Problematic pass (usually too close)
493 Biking around the corner from Rintoul onto Luxford, a car sailed downhill through the Rintoul St intersection without stopping, and directly into my path. I had to brake really hard to avoid him. -41.319845082589, 174.77782620573 Bicycle Vehicle pulls out or across cyclist
494 Car running red light across my path -41.278126497874, 174.78005805505 Bicycle Other (please add information in the textarea below)
490 A car was parked at angle across yellow lanes and the cycle lane reversed back onto the road making 2 cyclists swerve into the middle of the road to avoid collision. Elder driver looked distracted and was wearing headphones. -41.268081832011, 174.7812375352 Bicycle Vehicle pulls out or across cyclist
492 Van pulled out of Frederick Street on to Tory Street right in front of cyclist, knocking him to the ground. Fortunately cyclist was travelling conservatively and noticed the driver checking out the girl in exercise gear as she crossed the road. Cyclist was therefore able to slow down considerably before impact. Bike needed some adjustment, cyclist badly bruised! -41.296815615895, 174.77922048696 Bicycle Vehicle pulls out or across cyclist
489 Riding north on the shared path, a car also going north pulled into the Waitomo entrance without looking to their right cutting across my path. -41.266278348055, 174.7827260685 Bicycle Vehicle pulls out or across cyclist
485 Heading north - driver sped up to try and overtake me in a narrow section of road (where there is a pedestrian island in the middle). She almost hit me then close passed as soon as she had passed the island. -41.317246044616, 174.77539362058 Bicycle Problematic pass (usually too close)
488 Waiting in the green box to turn up Rintoul. Cars driving in the two lanes heading north down Riddiford, and trying to merge into the road north of Rintoul - often barely miss bikes waiting in the box. -41.311778085319, 174.77927097655 Bicycle Person drove (or cycled) at cyclist head on
483 Car coming down Centenntial Highway illegally turning left onto SH2 on ramp, cutting off a number of cyclists who were crossing the road on a green light -41.247284800971, 174.81346387857 Bicycle Vehicle pulls out or across cyclist
487 Two cars close passed then turned off in front of a group of people on bikes, in the bus lane, to get into Edge Hill. -41.295382978356, 174.7833364063 Bicycle Road user turns across cyclist’s path
484 I was going down hill taxi passed me exactly where street has the pedestrian crossing into the road, he only need to wait 2seconds for the wider part of street to come and no parked cars where I could protect myself -41.325377459235, 174.77498702832 Bicycle Problematic pass (usually too close)
482 Car driving up the shoulder on the on ramp, blocking the 'cycle lane' -41.24376122018, 174.81914600165 Bicycle Cyclist's way blocked (by other road users, road conditions, etc.)
481 Taxi pulled out into the cycle lane without giving way. -41.280141005436, 174.78007610792 Bicycle Vehicle pulls out or across cyclist
480 Taking left hand lane of Jervois Quay heading northbound. Tradie van on my right indicates and moves into my lane with very little space -41.282810053323, 174.77825431915 Bicycle Problematic pass (usually too close)
479 Cycling along Victoria st outside the police station; took the left hand lane, 3 or 4 cars were queued at the pedestrian crossing in the right hand lane. A car was attempting to overtake me in the right hand lane and after noticing the queue of cars merged into the left lane with me alongside them. I breaked to avoid the conflict. -41.28722805256, 174.77679781393 Bicycle Problematic pass (usually too close)
486 Waiting at the lights on Cambridge Tce, in the green bike box. When the light turned green a motorbike sped past extremely close - almost knocked me and another person on a bike over. -41.294060395469, 174.78369435034 Bicycle Problematic pass (usually too close)
491 Biking Up Brooklyn Road, a driver coming down Brooklyn road, turning into Washington Avenue crossed in front of me, so I had to stop. Another driving waiting at the intersection to cross from Washington Ave onto Brooklyn Road saw this and commented how bad it was. I believe that the drivers view was obscured by a van infront of it - however if this was the case, they shouldn't have gone. -41.302725588726, 174.76645825583 Bicycle Road user turns across cyclist’s path
478 Driver followed too close and overtook two cyclist far too close. Scary and dangerous. -41.308447260554, 174.77830476757 Bicycle Problematic pass (usually too close)
538 almost rear-ended at the Bowen/Terrace intersection by someone trying to run a red -41.278799464579, 174.7757230688 Bicycle Tailgates cyclist without passing
476 Driver making illegal left turn coming from Centennial Hwy onto SH2 on-ramp cutting across cyclist's path -41.247273215002, 174.81339959619 Bicycle Road user turns across cyclist’s path
477 Driver pulled out of Caltex access across shared path without looking left and cut off cyclist. -41.255322383008, 174.79786186344 Bicycle Vehicle pulls out or across cyclist
472 Car drove up behind honking. It then passed and swerved into the cyclist and knocking the bike and rider off the road and into the kerb. -36.786780718452, 174.76142328672 Bicycle Problematic pass (usually too close)
475 Taxi HBG898 didn’t gave me enough space even though no traffic coming on the other side. -41.318442904279, 174.77543280919 Bicycle Person drove (or cycled) at cyclist head on
474 Motorist turning right across (SH1) cycle lane into the Macdonald drive in. Motorists does not look right or check for cyclist in cycle lane. Motorist oblivious to cycle lane/cyclists. -45.859613394053, 170.51352225142 Bicycle Road user turns across cyclist’s path
523 car pulled out from Raroa and Chaytor in the face of oncoming taxi and cyclist -41.285507377169, 174.75472137221 Bicycle Vehicle pulls out or across cyclist
469 Multiple incidents of pedestrians dashing out in front of incoming traffic (me). The lowered speed limit seems to be encouraging more risk taking behaviour by pedestrians. -41.280495856944, 174.77864452158 Motorcycle
471 Almost hit school pedestrian running, when going around corner on shared ped/bike path on footpath. No visibility around corner for either person, and narrows around shop front. -41.301112456625, 174.77968261018 Bicycle Problematic pass (usually too close)
470 Child walked onto road because car was parked blocking the sidewalk. I had to swerve into opposing lane - very lucky there was no oncoming traffic. Otherwise I would have hit the child no way I would have had time to stop. -41.340385413971, 174.7598783 Car
468 Van passed cyclist across double yellow lines into blind corner, while apparently having an argument through the open passenger window with the cyclist. -41.276898086283, 174.90397218847 Bicycle Problematic pass (usually too close)
467 Heading inbound to the city in the 'cycle lane', in the corner a SUV to my left moved across the white line into the cycle lane -41.269239839518, 174.78100721816 Bicycle Problematic pass (usually too close)
466 Overtaking bus + cyclist across double yellow lines into oncoming traffic and over pedestrian crossing. -41.253015206406, 174.90548410158 Bicycle Problematic pass (usually too close)
473 Bikes has right of way, but car didn’t give right away. Almost resulted in a crash. -36.869247491586, 174.72596021693 Bicycle Vehicle pulls out or across cyclist
465 I was in the green box of crossing between Tory and Vivian st going down Tory st. when light went green started to bike I was around 20km/h (speed limit is 30km/h) when car tried to overtake not enough space specially because I needed to take the lane due car park on left. When I saw how close he was I was so scared I scream driver start to do angry signs to me -41.296096837576, 174.77965046108 Bicycle Problematic pass (usually too close)
464 Driver passed far too close. Scary, illegal and dangerous. -41.308406856912, 174.77822730458 Bicycle Problematic pass (usually too close)
462 Very close pass. -41.307201965321, 174.77798704437 Bicycle Problematic pass (usually too close)
463 Very close pass, with little room to move between passing car and parked cars. -41.310485985131, 174.79768220743 Bicycle Problematic pass (usually too close)
579 Car driver attempted pass 50m before T junction and pulled over on two bike, knocking them off. Police not interested. -43.522943748801, 172.62718819035 Bicycle Road user turns across cyclist’s path
460 White furniture mover truck driving south on Thorndon Quay ( Southern furniture movers branded) rego BIGFR8. Truck drifted over double yellow lines into cycle turn lane on Thorndon Quay. Male driver in late 20's was talking on his cellphone at the time. Near miss with cyclist stopped waiting in central turn area. -41.26790753167, 174.78128568218 Bicycle Person drove (or cycled) at cyclist head on
459 Driver passed in blind left corner with double yellow lines when oncoming traffic forced them to the left, almost running my off the road -41.262037116616, 174.90885045971 Bicycle Problematic pass (usually too close)
456 SUV pass without giving any space, didn’t slow down, no car coming on the side -41.322500637736, 174.77517306867 Bicycle Problematic pass (usually too close)
457 Driver didn’t slow down or gave me space to overtake me no car coming on the other side -41.326693089424, 174.77458703336 Bicycle Problematic pass (usually too close)
454 I was on a bike, crossing Customhouse Quay & Jervois Quay from the waterfront to Waring Taylor St. I was crossing during a pedestrian phase. I had crossed Customhouse Quay and was in the middle about to cross Jervois Quay (they are on a single crossing light). A large 4wd vehicle driving north on Jervois Quay ran through the red light. I saw the vehicle coming through the red light and stayed in the middle zone rather than continuing to cross Jervois Quay. The driver saw me as he was already crossing the intersection, and stopped suddenly in the middle of the intersection. If I had continued cycling, he probably would have hit me (head on to his vehicle, on the side of my bike). He gave me an apologetic wave. He was driving a large grey 4wd ute, with a distinctive number plate made up only of letters. I was too shaken to take note of the number plate. -41.282560074946, 174.77835400324 Bicycle Other (please add information in the textarea below)
455 travelling Southbound on the Hutt road cycleway, a driver turned to pull into the Mitre 10 driveway without looking, cutting me off and requrinng me to emergency stop. -41.256028604154, 174.79588508475 Bicycle Road user turns across cyclist’s path
453 Car travelling behind me in same direction up 11th ave then Car turned Down edgcumbe st taking out me cycling. -37.697307667135, 176.15689471473 Bicycle Road user turns across cyclist’s path
450 Started crossing road at tactile tiles from South to North when car came around corner (turning left from SH1 northbound lane) so had to step back. Cars seem to go fast around this blind corner so it is difficult as a pedestrian to cross. -40.766525313402, 175.14797536964 Pedestrian
451 Cycling west on Luxford Street, with pre-scholler on the back. Car pass on the turn in to Rintoul Street and cut us off. -41.319839431373, 174.77777276772 Bicycle Problematic pass (usually too close)
449 Metlink bus changed into my lane, forcing me to come to a complete stop to avoid being knocked off my bike. -41.296905025133, 174.78335515776 Bicycle Road user turns across cyclist’s path
539 driver in white van using cellphone - in rush hour, next to a cyclist -41.283298357101, 174.74227592238 Bicycle Other (please add information in the textarea below)
540 driver overtook cyclist in Karori on double yellows approaching a blind corner -41.287369668107, 174.75533291587 Bicycle Problematic pass (usually too close)
448 Person in Ford Territory only looking one way when suddenly pulling out over cycle path. I anticiapated and had slowed but didn't expect them to suddenly pull out withut looking. Made an emergency stop. At the problemeatic exit to the petrol service station. -41.262505975779, 174.78703760028 Bicycle Vehicle pulls out or across cyclist
447 Context: The Parade road has the following road/cycle path/parking layout: main road, followed by street parking line, cycling line, footpath (also driveway to properties at the road)

Car was reversing into their property driveway from main road and did not have visibility of cyclist coming in the cycling line.

Due to the parked cars neither cyclist nor vehicle could see each other until just before collision.

Car just hit the back wheel of the bike. Cyclist and bike were fine after it, no injuries and no damage to the bike.
-41.341053713971, 174.7706982 Bicycle Road user turns across cyclist’s path
541 close passed on Karori Rd by white sedan at crossing point for pedestrians - no 1.5m gap given (not even 50cm actually) -41.287534933782, 174.72444459685 Bicycle Problematic pass (usually too close)
452 Cycling north (pre-schooler on the back), along The Parade and passing straight through the Dee St round-about, a car passed us (extremely close and at speed) on the round-about. -41.329126160578, 174.77391019391 Bicycle Problematic pass (usually too close)
446 Car overtook in a pinch point where space is barely enough for cars only. -41.324965006225, 174.77493809883 Bicycle Problematic pass (usually too close)
524 close pass on Chaytor St by a Metlink bus, driver did not wait before pass was completed before cutting in and almost squashed me against the kerb and bank. Had to brake heavily to avoid being hit -41.282508251474, 174.75228592643 Bicycle Problematic pass (usually too close)
445 I was approaching an intersection (I was on the main road) and a car was at the give way sign. They misjudged how fast I was going (I ride an e-bike) and pulled out in front of me. I had to break suddenly to avoid a collision and they stopped to give way to me. -41.319844345175, 174.79390464772 Bicycle Vehicle pulls out or across cyclist
525 the obligatory fail to give way to traffic in the bus cycle lane at raroa/Chaytor -41.285700864416, 174.7548072029 Bicycle Vehicle pulls out or across cyclist
444 Car turned right across my path, failed to give way. Locked up rear brake emergency stopping. -41.276119621447, 174.78171497382 Bicycle Road user turns across cyclist’s path
458 Driver passed in blind left corner with double yellow lines and came dangerously closely as another vehicle come towards us. -41.267037390979, 174.90723445349 Bicycle Problematic pass (usually too close)
443 Saw someone walk through the first lane of stopped cars, didn't pay attention to second lane which had moving traffic. Car screeched to a halt. Person crossing didn't even realise due to wearing headphones. -41.291056699596, 174.77435412263 Pedestrian
526 blue truck just crossed the bus/cycle lane without looking for oncoming traffic - Raroa/Chaytor again -41.284757608668, 174.75423857459 Bicycle Vehicle pulls out or across cyclist
442 A driver ran a red light, to turn right, while pedestrian crossing was green just as I stepped onto the carriageway. -41.227334866656, 174.88491449136 Pedestrian
441 Driver cut the corner and drove head on towards me as I waited in the right turn lane to leave Luxford St, turning south onto Rintoul.

The driver had to brake sharply and come to a stop to avoid a collision.
-41.31990646467, 174.77778796111 Bicycle Person drove (or cycled) at cyclist head on
440 Close pass by a car transporter truck, to get to the back of stationary traffic queue slightly quicker -41.227270301377, 174.87481571598 Bicycle Problematic pass (usually too close)
439 Concrete mixer stopped in cycle way. Forced to move out towards 100km/h motorway traffic -41.226030520674, 174.85214965419 Bicycle Cyclist's way blocked (by other road users, road conditions, etc.)
438 Multiple drivers close-passed me as I rode up the edge of the bus lane which was not in operation but crowded with poorly parked vehicles. Then I crossed three lanes of traffic to get into the lane to enter the Basin Reserve and was close-passed by another motorist as I rode along the right hand edge of the lane. -41.297994563388, 174.78187199353 Bicycle Problematic pass (usually too close)
437 Car pulled into Spotlight car park, cutting me off and swearing at me. -41.260519849078, 174.78946827951 Bicycle Vehicle pulls out or across cyclist
436 Driver overtook me with less than 20cm while no car in the other lane in high speed and I was super close to parked cars. He ignore my existence while driving. Extremely scary. -41.323878987289, 174.77514868645 Bicycle Problematic pass (usually too close)
435 Over took me with around 30cm distance -41.301034564761, 174.77782655542 Bicycle Problematic pass (usually too close)
434 Accelerate to pass me with less than a meter, when in less than 100m he would have enough space -41.308050528941, 174.77820489981 Bicycle Person drove (or cycled) at cyclist head on
433 Driver passes less than 30cm distance he could have waited car in the other lane to pass than take over safely but no. -41.323034195944, 174.77506044463 Bicycle Problematic pass (usually too close)
432 As I was moving across the left turn to continue straight onto hutt road, A Ute overtook me to my right. The Ute then moved left across my path to enter the SH2 on-ramp. -41.246759004266, 174.8135210266 Bicycle Road user turns across cyclist’s path
431 Riding down The Terrace a car coming up the Terrace did a U-Turn in front of me using Shell Lane to perform a wide, one-motion arch. Rather than giving way in the mouth of Shell Lane the car accelerated onto The Terrace as I was crossing the entrance to Shell Lane. I was forced to turn hard into the oncoming lane (lucky there was no one coming traffic) to avoid getting it. While doing this I braced to be hit and in my mind still find it hard to believe I was able to avoid this. It was still light (4:30pm) But I was using both rear and front light and had a bright jacket on -41.282576426066, 174.77477541391 Bicycle Vehicle pulls out or across cyclist
542 courier van u-turn on Karori Road without looking for cyclist -41.286378065262, 174.73193332442 Bicycle Road user turns across cyclist’s path
544 close and unnecessary pass in rush hour traffic on Chaytor St - I was clearly visible yet the driver passed within cm of me -41.281306950102, 174.75161537417 Bicycle Problematic pass (usually too close)
543 close and unnecessary pass in rush hour traffic on Chaytor St - I was clearly visible yet the driver passed within cm of me -41.290425, 174.7210972 Bicycle Problematic pass (usually too close)
527 once again, cars crossing the bus/cycle lane at the Raroa/Chaytor intersection without looking for oncoming traffic -41.284769701777, 174.75419565924 Bicycle Vehicle pulls out or across cyclist
429 Driver passed less than 20cm in a wind and raining day. Light was green and no need of that -41.301162246113, 174.77971828527 Bicycle Problematic pass (usually too close)